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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/2024 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Hi all, I'm back after about 13 years! I joined this forum when I first started collecting, and since then I've worked at Spink, Heritage Auctions, Sovereign Rarities, and am now at eBay UK as category manager for coins. It's funny logging back into my account here as my profile picture is still the first Newark shilling I ever purchased. It's been upgraded three times since, culmunating in this from the recent Mortcombe collection... a dream coin for me, a Newark showing a visible 'A' hallmark denoting its host plate's production in 1638.
  2. 1 point
    I have placed a reference book of gold & silver coins 1066-1736, on Ebay, of which displays many pattern coins that I didn't know even existed. The book was issued in 1763 and is in my opinion, quite good condition for its age. Item id 145759903017
  3. 1 point
    Not to take away from your sale - this would be a wonderful addition to a bookcase - but if anyone's interested in the book's contents it's available in full on Archive.org: https://archive.org/details/bim_eighteenth-century_tables-of-english-silver_folkes-martin_1761/mode/2up
  4. 1 point
    There are numerous reprints ,do you know what year the first edition is please ? EDIT................................................................................ Can ignore this now as just found one 1744.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    Thanks for that Michael , I knew that he was a Nepolionic Veteran, but because I found the picture on a French site, I assumed he was French . As you probably know he was pictured with a woman who I assume was his wife [ Picture below] . I used the picture because my wife thought there to be a resemblance to me 😟 . I do hope though that I don't look as grouch as he dose . Ironically my son in law has two ancestors who fought at Trafalgar , one of whom who lost a leg and survived , I myself had a three times Gr Grandfather named Thomas Mason who fought in the American War of Independence and was with Conwallis when he finally surrendered at Yorktown in 1781. He must have started his military career when he was recruited into the Third Reg. of Foot [The Buffs] in London, probably taking the Kings Shilling while drunk, as he then absconded only to be recaptured by a bounty hunter and sent to the Savoy Prison [ The converted old Palace which was where the Savoy Hotel now stands ] He went on to rise up to the rank of Sergeant and serve for twenty years.
  7. 1 point
    I have a bit of bias in any case as I do not at all care for the Weyl and other private non-RM patterns. The silver series of 1863 drive me up a tree. I once bought an 1860 "penny" struck in silver that was a Weyl - and still have it. I think I will sell it one day but probably as I am in America slab it up and put it in Heritage.
