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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/15/2024 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Another decent 1915 Recessed ear purchased not attributed and dont see many in grade.
  2. 1 point
    Yes - it seems to me that we have an unfounded trust in the goodness of human nature, despite continuous evidence to the contrary. We elect people to govern us, or appoint civil servants to administer us, or employ law enforcement agents to maintain the rule of law and expect all these people to operate to a moral code and in the best interests of the general public and society - and they consistently let us down. Maybe the anarchists have a point.
  3. 1 point
    Like buying natwest with public money then the public being sold it back , just cause some narcissist trashed the whole company
  4. 1 point
    yes he remains the only british king to have published a book and its a pile of rubbish . from what I recall witches were only burned in scotland was it (?) the pendle witches not sure how they died but they did and just because they were were old and without husbands . James did like his art though and is responsible for quite a lot of the royal art collection which is owned by the crown which is you and me by the way through the goverment
  5. 1 point
    Yes there were some really bad plantagenet kings , I must admit I was concentrating on more recent kings as it is easier as the older kings and their legacies fade into the past maybe a get out on my behalf
  6. 1 point
    Just a thought. Suppose we believe Hobbes that the state of nature is a horrible place where laws do not exist, property is non-existent, and everyone is out for themselves without a care for others. That then is the motivation to work and pay a portion of the proceeds from the fruits of our labours to maintain a government to protect us, and maintain natural law. The irony is that the value we are getting for our buck these days is inversely proportional to the greed and self-centeredness of the government itself. Regressing into the state of nature and paying for the privilege 😃 Has a Pythonesque feel to it.
  7. 1 point
    I have little time for people who claim Charles was murdered (Only my opinion by the way ) While he was beheaded he had many times been asked to plead guilty and say sorry and he would be well looked after , he refused to see common sense and carried on with his ridiculous inalienable right of kings defence . He remains a total prima donna and while George IV was probably the worst king we ever had, Charles runs into second place along with his father in third
  8. 1 point
