Just going through a bucket of circulated pennies. I havn't gone through so many in ages. Two more bags to sort out. Mainly George V (someone really liked collecting 1926 for some reason!)
First pass through = my best find is a 1902 Low Tide in decent shape (so once I've checked it - it will upgrade my current one) for a circulated penny (not rare or probably even scarce but normally I find them quite worn). Others include circulated / worn KN 1918 and 1919 (loads of GV H pennies, to be expected) and odd George 6th Halfpenny (almost went into the dirty coin bag) which I might share.
Anyway in the meantime thought I share close up of the 1858 8 over 7 Penny off ebay . When it arrived because of the light I just couldn't see it - but once under the microscope its quite clear
Very Best Regards