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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/07/2024 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Can anyone point me in the right direction for this coin? Came to me as "unidentified Celtic". Looking through Spink and Mack the closest I can get is Regni uninscribed, but not an exact match. It appears to be Copper, measures about 11mm across and weighs 1.89g. Thanks!
  2. 1 point
    1847 Font Variation I am currently cataloguing an excellent Victoria ‘Young Head’ Penny collection for a colleague, about 150 coins in total. I have reached his 1847’s, and this has reminded me of something which I spotted in my own collection quite a few years ago, although my colleague does not have an example of his own. For the YH penny series Gouby has documented many date variations, particularly in the 1850’s. These include overdates and font types as well as date widths and repaired numerals. He has not, however, currently documented any 1847 date variations. To date I have found that 5 different obverse dies have been used in 1847, with date variations which include repaired 1’s and 4’s. The most interesting date feature, however, is that one of these obverse dies has a different fatter 7 font. This die is paired with the DEF Close Colon reverse, and it is easily identified by the die flaw after the 2nd A of GRATIA. Having checked past results at London Coin auctions I can see that, out of the 13 images of 1847 DEF Close Colons, there has been one other coin like this, sold by them in June 2018. A single example from 13 makes this quite a rare variety. Both my own piece and the one at LCA are high grade, so I am confident that the fatter numeral 7 is not due to ‘flattening’ through wear. This font can be seen below, alongside the normal 7 used in 1847 , and the LCA piece is also shown below for reference. I hope this is interesting for the Victorian penny collectors.
  3. 1 point
    I picked up a job lot of coin books at auction for a couple I wanted (Stewartby and Marsh). The rest are of no use to me. If anyone wants them they can have them at postage cost only. (Or free if you are prepared to pick up from North Devon!) The American Numismatic Society Museum Notes, Nos 15 and 16 (1969 and 1970); The ANS again, An Inventory of Greek Coin Hoards 1973; Ancient Greek Numismatics by William E Daehm, 2001 printed by Davissons USA; Spink "Essays in Honour of Robert Carson and Kenneth Jenkins" 1992.
  4. 1 point
    Another 2000 Bahamas 7 piece mint set showed up on eBay & could not resist the "Best Offer" of 13.78 including post & handling. A truly rare set.
  5. 1 point
    Don 't forget the British coins issued in Palestine under the British Mandate from 1923 to 1948. Coins of 1 Mil, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 mils from 1927 to 1947, or if you are looking for real rareties, howabout the Ionian Islands in the Eastern Mediterranean, anothe British protectorate from 1809 to 163, when the wereceded to Greece: 1 lepton, quarter obol, and 30 leptas -among other oddities!
  6. 1 point
    Glen Murray, who as far as I know is a US gentlemen who lives and has lived for a long time in Spain, has written some very specialised handbooks, such as Las Acuñaciones de Moneda en Segovia (30BC to 1869), published in 2009; Casa de Moneda de Madrid (1614 - 188), published 2014; and finally Cecas de Potosi y Lima (published 2016). These works are fantastic- they have so much detail ( mintage by face value and year), gold or silver content of coins, background information, names etc of assayers and mint masters, superb life size photos of coins, high quality paper, etc - and they are all surprisingly cheap - the Potosi - Lima book, 290 odd pages of fantastic information cost me only 18 euros, and I seem to recall that the Segovia handbook was 15€! All are published under the imprint of the Asociacion Amigos de la Casa de la Moneda de Segovia: www.SegoviaMint.org and info@segoviamint.org - and they are essential for any collector of Spanish coins.
  7. 1 point
    FYI I have ordered the 2nd edition updates from Michael Gouby, for the British Bronze Penny 1860-1901 (mine copy being the 1st edition). Apparently not everyone who bought the 1st edition upgraded to the 2nd edition and so Michael had spare copies of the update. The first edition was a really interesting read (well I found it really interesting anyway !). My plan is to re-organize my Bronze pennies more clearly into a "best penny" date run 1860 - 1970 which I can upgrade from time to time. Then using separate trays from 1860 onward I'll use those for varieties / date widths etc. 1860 onwards and label them as I go, so its easy to read what is where at a glance. Clearly it is impossible to have every variety (just as its impossible to collect every 18th/19th century newspaper title - some have tried) but I can upgrade the varieties when the opportunity arises. It will hopefully avoid the pennies getting out of control and help with structure. I will probably also try for a few half penny varieties as well as upgrading and some more farthing varieties over time. I have the beginnings of date runs prior to 1860 with some common varieties (and some fakes/non regal)- but for silver it will just be date runs. Best Regards !
  8. 1 point
    Hi, Just wanted to share a 1862 Penny with raised piece of the metal (probably irregular rather than a dot) above the right leg of R in Victoria (ink or other stain under the R !) Just wondered if anyone else had seen anything similar ? Best Regards
