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  1. 2 points
    Link to Tony Clayton's site (Die Varieties listed near the bottom) https://www.coins-of-the-uk.co.uk/dec10.html The most up to date info: 1992 Type - Edge type: Obv L,I points…/Rev. 1 in 10 points… Type 1 - Wire edge: Between/At (Extremely Common) Type 2 - Flat edge: Between/At (Extremely Common) Type 3 - Flat edge: At/Between (Very Common & this is the type in the Proof & BU mint sets) Type 4 - Flat edge: Between/Between (Scarce) Type 5 - Flat edge: At/At (Scarcer) 1993-2008 These coins come with two reverse types; At or Between (as above). The type in the Proof/BU mint sets are always Between types. The circulation issues started out as always At types, but this changes from 2005 - more on that later. As the 'At' types were always a full release into circulation there are plenty of them comparative to the Between types, BUT they will all be circulated, usually very heavily. Uncirculated ‘At’ types are pretty scarce to outright rare. The general issue is: 1993 Type B (BU mint sets only) 1994 Type B (BU mint sets only) 1995 Type A (Circulation only) 1995 Type B (BU mint sets only) 1996 Type A (Circulation only) 1996 Type B (BU mint sets only) 1997 Type A (Circulation only) 1997 Type B (BU mint sets only) 1998 Type B (BU mint sets only) 1999 Type B (BU mint sets only) 2000 Type A (Circulation only) 2000 Type B (BU mint sets only) 2001 Type A (Circulation only) 2001 Type B (BU mint sets only) 2002 Type A (Circulation only) 2002 Type B (BU mint sets only) 2003 Type A (Circulation only) 2003 Type B (BU mint sets only) 2004 Type A (Circulation only) 2004 Type B (BU mint sets only) Then in 2005 there begins a change. The Between type becomes a circulation coin as well as the mint set/Proof type. Eventually, it replaces the At type completely. So for 2005 and 2006 we have: 2005 Type A (Circulation only) 2005 Type B (Circulation & BU mint sets) 2006 Type A (Circulation only) - Rare 2006 Type B (Circulation & BU mint sets) The 2005 types are pretty similar, either reverse can turn up in change, approx 50/50 chance. The 2006 issue though is very different. The Between type is the vast majority. The At type is near impossible to find. From 2007 it then settles into this pattern: 2007 Type B (Circulation & BU mint sets) 2008 Type B (Circulation & BU mint sets) I am not aware of any At types for these two dates, if they do exist, they haven't been discovered yet!
  2. 2 points
