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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/14/2025 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I saw some concerns about low activity on the forum, so I thought I would post this link to my Hammered collection to give people something to talk about. I have gathered these over the last 25 years, with the original intention of one decent coin for each monarch from the Wessex Saxons to the introduction of milled coins. There are some duplicates and associated material in the folder. Any comments, discussions or corrections are welcome! Hammered Paddy
  2. 2 points
    Some cracking coins there! Loving the Anglo-Saxon coinage. I have a few bits and bobs of that myself, but nothing as extensive. I can only muster two line types for Edward the Elder, Athelstan, Eadmund and Eadred, plus a Cnut short cross penny. I too was going down the one from each monarch from Alfred the Great to present.
  3. 1 point
    I am also a social media refusenik, so forums like this are my natural habitat. Although I do collect GB bronze and copper, I also like all the GB silver and some older foreign pieces too. Like @Sylvester I found the bias towards bronze and copper pennies a little disappointing. There are some great experts in all areas on here, but we need to encourage them to continue showing up occasionally or the forum will die. I think also, some posters here are a bit aggressive with their criticism if they disagree with a poster's viewpoint, which simply drives them away. Of course we can disagree, but it needs to be kept non-personal.
  4. 1 point
    I guess people use social media, which is ok for a single response, but a chocolate teapot as a source of coherently assembled opinions that are organised along the thread topic. I presume the internet has so much info available that many people feel they have all the info they need. What is obvious is the lack of visitors asking questions, which seems counterintuitive given the significant increase in collectors of modern coins. At any coin fair you will see a reasonable number of kids going round the tables. I presume they get all their info from social media. Whilst you can reasonably expect the majority of collectors to be middle aged and up, the vast majority of collectors do have access to the internet, so why they don't interact with others is beyond me. A parallel problem to that of forums is happening to many numismatic societies. The South Manchester decided last meeting to only have one meeting a month compared to 2 a month in autumn and spring. The reason - numbers have dropped off such that there is no longer a critical mass of members to fill the schedule with talks. There is a near total absence of younger people coming through. At the last meeting, I was the spring chicken, and I get a state pension.
  5. 1 point
    1826 Penny, Rev A, purchased from the Huddersfield coin fair.
  6. 1 point
    One thats arrived today off eBay and much better than most. 1909 DOT.
  7. 1 point
    Nice coin....price seems about right....I would question the UNC grading as Britannia's boobs have been rubbed a bit...not in a good way....but still a good coin.
