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predecimal.comPredecimal.com. One of the most popular websites on British pre-decimal coins, with hundreds of coins for sale, advice for beginners and interesting information.

Chris Perkins

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Chris Perkins last won the day on February 6 2024

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About Chris Perkins

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    Proprietor of Predecimal.com and Coin Publications
  • Birthday 06/29/1978

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    Nummi gratia fori defensor

    Well obviously British coins. Classic cars (mainly Triumph and other BL masterpieces of the 70s). Heavy old rock music from prog to metal (Pink Floyd, Sabbath, Zep, Rammstein etc etc). I still fancy Kylie Minogue.

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  1. Chris Perkins

    Error Code?

    I checked myself just now and all looks normal to me. Was it a temporary glitch or does it still look wrong to you? Chris
  2. Chris Perkins

    has there been a software change?

    My pleasure. I've also updated some other stuff in the background so if this message gets through, that's also a good sign! I may also completely update the forum software to the newest version. I'm always nervous about that as it tends to change things that make little sense and can negatively affect some users who use a particular feature etc. In some cases it can also introduce new errors, but the last update was 4 years ago so it's probably due one.
  3. Chris Perkins

    The Bronze Coinage of Great Britain (2016)

    Out of print, but not out of copyright etc and the work belongs to Michael Freeman so it could not legally be made available for free by anyone but him. Incidentally, is anyone here in contact with him?
  4. Chris Perkins

    has there been a software change?

    There was a little issue identified by my host where the master global config setting for the forum path was set to the non SSL version (i.e. http not https). That may have caused the forum to get mixed up trying to serve both http and https and that may well have caused problems. I suspect that may require users to clear their caches or just the files related to the forum - or it may well slowly sort itself out (if that was the issue).
  5. Chris Perkins

    has there been a software change?

    I'll check with my host. As far as I knew, the security cert covers the whole website and I'm not aware of anything being changed a couple of weeks ago.
  6. Chris Perkins

    has there been a software change?

    Hello everyone. As far as I know the forum should be https, just as the whole of the predecimal.com website is. TomGoodheart sent me a link to this page, but the link was actually just plain http and that seemed to work but did show 'not secure' in the browser. Can those experiencing a problems manually change what appears in the address path to be prefixed with https instead of http? Does that help at all?
  7. Chris Perkins

    The Bronze Coinage of Great Britain (2016)

    It's out of print, as you may have gathered. Printing it again worked out so much more expensive than in 2016 so I put it on the back-burner for now.
  8. There will be a Kindle version in the next few weeks (and of the new decimal book).
  9. Chris Perkins

    Minting Of New £1 Coin

    The variety is often called a 'leftie' as the milled section when you look under the hologram with the Queen' side facing you is usually to the right of the hologram. On lefties it's obviously on the left and there are actually some where the point is slightly milled (like a middly :S). It is certainly not a 50/50 thing like with the writing orientation on £2 coins and is no doubt due to the collar/dies not being fitted 'properly' although I think the RM have stated that there is no wrong or right way, so it's just an interesting variant. Here's my page which has more info: https://www.checkyourchange.co.uk/the-six-new-1-coin-varieties/ They seem fairly common for 2016 and less so for later years.
  10. Chris Perkins

    Newbie Looking For Advice.

    Firstly, condition is everything. Coins of most dates are very common in normal used condition and tend to be very low value. The best book to gauge condition is this one: https://www.coinpublications.com/product/the-standard-guide-to-grading-british-coins/ And a book for values is this one: https://www.coinpublications.com/product/collectors-coins-gb-2018-1760-1970/ (both also available on Amazon). It is a lot to take on at first!
  11. Chris Perkins

    Hello Everyone

    Actually, that's a little bit of a security hole that I've just fixed! Guests were able to start topics within the technical support area and were allowed to reply to stuff elsewhere. Guests can no longer post anywhere and for the last couple of months I manually approve every new member. I did not approve Andeson because his email address looked odd and his IP is from Bangladesh, which is more well known for its spamming bots than it is for collectors of British coins!
  12. Actually my new theory on the coppery coloured 20p's (they seem to occur a lot more for the 20p than any other current denomination) is improper annealing causing the atoms to migrate. First proposed in the USA by Mr Diamond, who really knows error coins. More info here: http://www.error-ref.com/improper-annealing/ These days the RM also charge £20 to look at coins, so no longer worth doing for minor things like this.
  13. Chris Perkins

    Bugs at the moment

    Oh look, it's all new and has all new bells and whistles. It was a bit fiddly but I got there in the end. Hope there are no issues now.
  14. Chris Perkins

    Bugs at the moment

    Note that some may experience bugs on the forum for the next day or so. I am trying to update and old version of the software to the latest version but only got as far as updating the server PHP version today, which may cause (and in fact already has caused) problems for some depending on browser and so many other factors these days. Sorry about that. It'll be worth it in the end!
  15. Chris Perkins

    Market stall - Barnstaple and South Molton

    This all seems to have gone a bit non-coin.