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Chris Perkins

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Everything posted by Chris Perkins

  1. A new BBC comedy series focusing on the exploits of two metal detectorists, starring, written and directed by MacKenzie Crook (The Office, Pirates of the Caribbean, Game of Thrones) may use a copy of my book "Collectors' Coins GB 2014" on screen. MacKenzie Crook is a keen amateur metal detectorist in real life and owns a copy of the book. Filming starts soon and the six part series will be shown on BBC4 later in 2014. My book will be present in the wannabe archaeologists on-screen flat, but whether or not it actually makes it to the final edit depends on if the production team happen to use the scenes and camera angles in which it appears! Here is the Radio Times announcement: http://www.radiotimes.com/news/2014-01-31/mackenzie-crook-to-play-metal-detector-enthusiast-in-one-of-four-new-bbc4-comedies
  2. Yes, I suppose so. But they may well just find other metal objects that aren't coins!
  3. What was your brother in law doing in Gangs of NY? An extra? Apparently the book will be prominent in the Andy's flat, but who knows. They no doubt chop scenes and things round and the action is obviously the actors, not so much things laying around.
  4. Had an earthquake today. Noticeable shaking of windows and ceiling, just for a couple of seconds, but enough to make you start wondering what the bloody hell's going on and whether you need to take emergency action. I've never experienced anything like it. It was logged at 1237 local time and at the epicentre was strength 4.3: http://www.volcanodiscovery.com/earthquakes/quake-info/689940/M4.3-Sat-31-May-3km-NE-of-Skalna-Czech-Republic.html
  5. Chris Perkins

    Had An Earthquake At Predecimal Hq.

    Yes, but the others are mostly 2's with a couple of 3 or just over, which may not be strong enough to get to us 45 miles away. It's certainly the only one I've ever felt. 4.3!
  6. Chris Perkins

    Had An Earthquake At Predecimal Hq.

    Everything's fine, we were just shaken and not stirred. People that were outside on solid ground didn't even notice. We're about 45 miles from the epicentre. It was a remarkable demonstration of the power of those bubbling gases and molten rock miles under the surface. It's inspired me to go and visit the nearest volcano, which is about 30 miles away, the 974m (3,195') Schneehübel which apparently last flowed liquid lava a mere 300,000 years ago. There have been a number of shakes today and over the last week, but the big 4.3 was the only one still noticeable by the time it got to here (as far as I know).
  7. Chris Perkins

    Looking For Books

    In Germany these are the generally accepted standard works: http://www.gietl-verlag.de/grosser-deutscher-muenzkatalog-/buchdetail/312/1/themen/neuerscheinung.html (1800 to now) http://www.gietl-verlag.de/kleiner-deutscher-muenzkatalog-/buchdetail/329/1/themen/neuerscheinung.html (1871 to now) There is also one for 1700-1800.
  8. Chris Perkins

    Looking For Books

    A great one for ID-ing ancient Greek is Richard Plants 'Greek Coins and their Identification'. I should know as I'm currently manually typing the whole thing from scratch to appear probably in 2015 as a Rotographic book (in metric and with some updates). For now, you'll have to make do with the re-printed 1979 version: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/0900652470?ie=UTF8&camp=1634&creativeASIN=094896409X&linkCode=xm2&tag=predecimalcoi-21 And of course for Roman there are the 2 linked to in my sig. And for German I can supply the standard German catalogue (1871 to date) for about £14.00.
  9. Chris Perkins

    Digital Microscopes

    You may have done Geordie. I think USB visual devices are pretty generic with the drivers they use, so I would imagine that the CD contains a version for Mac/Linux. You know what, I'll ask and report back.
  10. Chris Perkins

    Digital Microscopes

    Looks like this one that I offer for £79.80 (just reduced from £86.90): http://www.predecimal.com/lindner-digital-microscope-lindner-7155-p-18576.html
  11. Chris Perkins

    1862 Half Sovereign

    Looks like whoever was answering enquires at Chards has just assumed its a boring date and quoted bullion.
  12. Chris Perkins

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I haven't changed anything. I'll have a look.
  13. Has anyone got any Irish coins 1660s to 2002 (or good quality pics of Irish coins). I need to source images for a forthcoming Collectors' Coins Ireland. thanks,
  14. Chris Perkins

    Irish Coin Pics. Anyone?

    Yes. Not sure if I'll use it, but it would be nice to show a gold coloured proof as an example.
  15. Richard John Marles, founder of the print works that became Rotographic, author of the first Check Your Change and the Collector's Coins series (among others) passed away last year aged 87. My suspicions were raised when the complimentary new books I send him each year, and posted last week, were returned by the Post Office. I have since spoken to his long term business partner in Torquay and he confirmed his passing. I'll add a permanent memorial page to the Rotographic website. Richard's books helped millions and inspired thousands of people to get into coin collecting and I'll always be grateful to him for building up Rotographic and giving me the opportunity to carry on his work.
  16. Chris Perkins

    Richard Marles Passed Away

    I have Marles' own selection of books in the Rotographic archive, which include some oddities like Check Your Change Bermuda and Check Your Irish Change. Back in the days where books didn't have an ISBN.
  17. Chris Perkins

    Richard Marles Passed Away

    Being considerably younger that the rest of you, mine was Collectors' Coins GB 1989, bought new from Fred at the Stamp Shop in Eltham (he had coins and model cars too), which was walking distance, or a short bus ride from me. Those were the days.
  18. Chris Perkins

    Irish Coin Pics. Anyone?

    So far I've got some good Gun Money and GI, but still need: CII: Armstrong, St Patrick and Armstrong & Legge (1660-1 and 1680s) JII: Halfpenny 1685 - 88 and any pewter lower denominations Wm & Mary and Wm on his own: Halfpennies from each GII: Halfpenny and Farthing, one of each bust would be nice GIII: Halfpennies from of each of the 3 busts, all of the Bank tokens and an 1805 halfpenny GIV: Both 1822/3 Penny and halfpenny
  19. Chris Perkins

    Richard Marles Passed Away

    He was certainly a character and not really an all-that easy man to get along with. An anecdote I heard today: A young man that was employed by him in the 60s was discovered to have been practicing the boss's signature with intent to fraudulently use a stolen cheque book. It became a standing joke when Mr Marles remarked that they do 'Check Your Change' and that no one should have to 'Change Your Cheques'. The lad was arrested without making any financial gain.
  20. Chris Perkins

    Irish Coin Pics. Anyone?

    Or near to. Apart from the older stuff of course.
  21. Chris Perkins

    Irish Coin Pics. Anyone?

    I need 300dpi, or images or lower res that are sufficiently large enough for it not to matter. Are those the original size scottishmoney? I see what you mean Peck. Sometimes scans are ok, but for the post independence modern stuff I suppose I can be a bit picky and try to get photographs first.
  22. Chris Perkins

    Irish Coin Pics. Anyone?

    The key dates are not of great importance, I really need nice examples of each type, or at least most types. Peck: I thought your pics were pretty good normally? Davidrj: Those are nice, could be of use. Are the pics they link to the full size versions? azda Dave: That looks a quite decent one, please email larger pics when you can. Colin G: Perfect, send away when ready. scott: Those look a bit too far gone. I have nothing against worn coins per se, but they don't look good in print (unless nothing better is available of the type). brg: that's very nice indeed. Is that full size, or re-sized for here? I'd be very interested in seeing the set and any other Irish you have. RLC: Scarce one, but not great condition for the type. danz: that looks good, unless Colin has a better one!?
  23. Chris Perkins

    Coins Left In Old Box

    That all sounds more promising than a random dusty box. If she ordered them and listed them etc then it's a good sign, but doesn't always guarantee significant treasures! We'll see.
  24. Chris Perkins

    Coins Left In Old Box

    Fixed that Dave. Now everyone (all groups etc) should have a 500k limit for pics.
  25. Chris Perkins

    Coins Left In Old Box

    Normally taken from change in the 1960s and usually not much more than smooth discs, or at best with much of the legend worn off, the Queen a silhouette and with variety/die combination no longer discernible.