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Chris Perkins

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Everything posted by Chris Perkins

  1. Chris Perkins

    How was the Radio show?

    Thanks William, I had'nt seen that yet! Free advertising, marvelous.
  2. Chris Perkins

    1964 BU Kennedy Half Dollars

    In the next newsletter will be 1795, 1956 and 1898 Maundy sets. Prices around £100 for the newest 2, which are as struck, in original boxes. And around £500 for the 1795 which is uncirculated-BU and about as nice as you'll find.
  3. Chris Perkins

    How was the Radio show?

    Driving cars is all very well, personally I prefer owning them, and not giving them back.
  4. Chris Perkins

    1964 BU Kennedy Half Dollars

    Here's a picture of one. The coins are so bright that they don't scan very well.
  5. Chris Perkins


    Good one Geoff! I don't know if the young chaps here have morgan bags, in fact what they do at the weekend is none of my business. I still am not convinced there is any need to publish myself online. I'm sometimes around in real life, Tom Goodheart has met me, and so have a few customers at coin fairs etc. i'm not ashamed or anything like that about my appearance, I just fail to really understand why you lot need to see me. If i thought it would significantly increase sales then I would be pleased to show my honest eyes. Have a look at this wonderful picture of Mr Morris, who I used to live quite near to in the UK. Tell me if you really think the sheer quality of that picture, combined with the highly professional pose actually helps Mr Morris get more sales and/or credibility: http://www.peter-morris.freeserve.co.uk/im...ris%20Staff.jpg (Don't buy anything off him, I'll hang you for treason )
  6. Chris Perkins

    Forum rules that we've broken

    Yes, that is very true. In a few years of eBay trading, quite intensely at one point, and all the sales etc from the website, I really must say that numismatists are generally very honest and trustworthy.
  7. Chris Perkins

    american coins

    Don't email her, reply in here and make her jolly well come back and look! Who does she think we are, a private coin valuation service! It's a discussion forum for heavens sake Value is around £11.00 for an 1838 Cent in fine condition, much lower if it's lower than good, and much higher if it reaches EF.
  8. Chris Perkins

    1970 proof set...

    Yes, actually I have a proof 1970 Penny and Halfpenny Master JMD.
  9. Chris Perkins

    Pocket pieces...

    Yes!! I think I will start using a pocket piece, it shall be an 1858 two Konekh from Russia! I think that's probably a 2 Kopek William. You cannot directly convert the cyrillic letters into their nearest looking western version.
  10. These are the pictures of the Churchill Crown welded into a hole on a large and very attractive Triumph motorcycle. The owner wanted something British that would go well with the British Bike. It had to be common and it had to be cheap. Hmmm I noticed he used the Queen side in the end!
  11. Chris Perkins

    Forum rules that we've broken

    Yes, of course you can, as long as it isn't made public, what goes on behind closed doors is your business. But don't send endless messages, think of my bandwidth too!
  12. Chris Perkins

    1970 proof set...

    If you break it open you'll probably end up dmaging it, and all the coins will instantly start toning, especially the bromze. It'll always be worth more as it is, providing the coins are not toned.
  13. Chris Perkins


    Couple of good points raised, i'd go along with those! Maybe I'll send autographed photos to members or something
  14. Chris Perkins

    Forum rules that we've broken

    The rules are governed mainly by your own morals gentleman, go against those rules of judgement and you get banned. If you say something out of line, you have to live with yourself, we don't! What I mean to say is: I'm easy, you know that, just don't be nasty or illegal (except if using the personal meassage facility)
  15. Chris Perkins

    How was the Radio show?

    Yes, I don't have my copy yet, but I just heard 10 mins ago from a numismatic author contact! I remember writing something to Carol at Token Publishing about the radio prog, because I was exciting about just having done the first programme and just wanted to tell her all about it. At the end I kind of dared here to put that in 'her' magazine! Two months later and there it is, under the headline 'A Star is Born', so I hear. Watch this space, I have something even bigger on the horizon and don't intend to peak just yet!
  16. Chris Perkins

    How was the Radio show?

    Yes, I had a wonderful red 1977 Spitfire 1500. I loved that car, but unfortunately it was written off by a bloke in a Citroen. His insurance paid out though, but I never got another.
  17. Chris Perkins

    How was the Radio show?

    No, I'm afraid I don't have anymore tucked away. I've had a good few Triumphs in my time though. I think the red one at the top was No. 14 when purchased almost a year ago. I was averaging a different Triumph every 8 months at one stage! Eat, sleep breathe 'em.
  18. Chris Perkins

    Pocket pieces...

    If I had anything, I'd probably end up loosing it.! I sometimes like to carry a fiver around, then I sometimes whip it out to show people what a real banknote should look like, in comparison to the Euro tosh (I hate the Euro notes much more than the coins). Then on my next UK visit I end up spending it usually.
  19. Chris Perkins

    Question about German coins.

    At least you don't get old people in schools (no offense old people, we are truly grateful for your experience)
  20. Chris Perkins


    What if I actually am Dee Sniner? Or look a bit like Dee Snider in some respects? I like Dee Snider representing me! You are the 'people', the customers, the forumees, so maybe in order to keep your support I may have to bow to the pressure.
  21. Chris Perkins

    Do you have an extremely rare coin?

    I've handled 4 1934 Crowns, have a couple of mis struck coins that I believe to be very rare, and I have a Cupro Nickel 1868 Halfpenny (courtesy of one of the forum members). Others have passed by too, but I can't remember them all.
  22. Chris Perkins

    How was the Radio show?

    Geeky Moi (AKA Dungeon and Dragons, role playing John with a scary mask), My hair is not the colour you describe, if you take the time to look at it closely you'll find it's a mixture of different colours, from blonde, right the way to dark, almost brown in places. You have clearly never seen a real ginger person John. Thanks for the free advert, as if I needed it among my loyal forumees, but it's nice to have a non coin collector point of view. Now F*$k off! Only joking mate! Is Kelly still there? Jim? Still see Richard? Shaun?
  23. Hello everyone, I'm back from the UK now. I think I may have briefly mentioned this somewhere else in the forum... Over the last few months the bandwidth usage of the website (or amount of data transfered in gb) per month has been way over my limit of 1gb per month. On one hand it shows that elements of the wesite are growing in popularity, which is great. On the other hand it means I have to jolly well pay extra if I can't get the bandwidth useage down to a reasonable level! I've made small changes behind the scenes to the main website, made a few images smaller etc so that less bandwidth is used up when a user views images. That should help things a little. Looking at my stats the main usage of bandwidth is the forum. It's growing quite nicely and being filled with lots of interesting stuff, but can I ask favours of you people? Only post images when you really have to. I will be looking through and removing irrelevant images when I can. When practical, please post a link to the web page that the image is on (or to the actual image if absolutely necessary, but see next point) Try not to steal images from other websites, as they are probably copyrighted. I have seen some images lately that I'm pretty sure are not the property of the poster MOST IMPORTANTLY: Ensure all images are as small (in actual size and kb size) as possible. You don't need a huge screen size picture to show something well. I will be having a look at reducing the maximum size of image that can be posted, so if you find you are unable to post a picture that may be the reason. Any problems, post here of PM me.
  24. Chris Perkins

    Bandwidth and picture usage.

    I'm not asking for any money, but any money would be gratefully received. Donors will not get increased privaledges or anything like that. I don't want to be seen as a charity!
  25. Chris Perkins

    Bandwidth and picture usage.

    Thanks for your donation Bob, hopefully you've opened the floodgates!