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About rink123

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  1. rink123

    1863 Shiling

    A Bit better pic now in the day light
  2. rink123

    1863 Shiling

    No just put it on there 20 mins ago for 99p now chins it to £100
  3. rink123

    1863 Shiling

    Thx for the fast reply's will get a better pic in the day light :}
  4. rink123

    1863 Shiling

    Hi All I went out today with my metal detector and got this shilling is it a rare date ? Thx
  5. rink123

    Half Sovereign

    Thx, cose the coin that he is selling is the same as the one I have with no JEB How can he ask £500 + for it ?
  6. rink123

    Half Sovereign

    Thx Sleepy :}
  7. rink123

    Half Sovereign

    What is jab on a coin this one look like them all ? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1892-Victoria-Jubilee-Head-Gold-Half-Sovereign-Coin-No-JEB-PCGS-MS61-Pop-1-/181724146810?hash=item2a4f9a6c7a:g:RnwAAOSwymxVN-Mc
  8. rink123

    Half Sovereign

    Thx for your reply Vicky . And yes I will go back to see if there are more :}
  9. rink123

    Half Sovereign

    Hi All I was out metal detecting and fond this Half sovereign can some one pls tell what its value is Thx