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Everything posted by Edward

  1. With respect, I am not sure of VF on this coin. Vic's hairbands are not showing up as well defined, which I take as one of the signs of VF in her young heads. Maybe it's just the pic. I also think a grading topic would be excellent in the non-members area. Getting people informed about what a good coin is really all about and demanding quality from dealers will also give Chris some company in the rarified air of honest grading.
  2. Master JMD, Thanks. I do have the Spink so I was looking for other sources. Do you have any suggestions?
  3. Marigold, In the US these are fetching a dollar a pop for your run-of-the-mill example, but if you really liked the looks of it then it's a good buy for you. Isn't coin collecting all about loving the coins you have? I have a Churchill that I really like--there's something about it (apart from it being mine) that makes it much nicer than every other one I have seen. And Churchill had quite a sense of humor too, something to recommend his crown!