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Everything posted by Edward

  1. I just noticed on the webpage that the British Royal Mint has moved to the U.S.: "For additional information about availability of the British Royal Mint's PCGS-certified coins, contact the British Royal Mint, 14101 Southcross Drive, Burnsville, MN 55337. Phone: (877) 564-6468." I used to live near Burnsville, and it is about the most un-British place you could hope to find. Even the jungles of Borneo, being properly ex-colonial, are more British than Burnsville, Minnesota. But now that the BRM has capitulated, I suppose it's not long till the Ammies take over Wales and send all the British coins for grading at PGCS.
  2. I don't suppose Mandy Moore is on any of those trains and buses? If you were here in the US it would just be car and no social possibilities at all!
  3. I think the germane question with Edward VIII was whether Mrs Simpson really wore the pants....
  4. Edward

    A Rotographic database league table!

    Chris, It might be good if you let us know what denominations and periods you are most looking for. Right now of course, with only 250 entries, you need pretty much everything, but periodic prods from you could help keep us lot motivated. Especially worth knowing about would be coins that have shown great volitility in recent years. Then we could go out and look for those. This would help especially with tracking on eBay.
  5. Chris is lucky with that schedule. Here's mine: 4.00 am Birds start singing outside. 4.30 am Give up trying to get back to sleep as a bad job. 4.31 am Give myself a horror in the mirror. 5.00 am Start shuffling around the mounds of paper on my desk. 8 or 9 am, maybe 10 Break for breakfast an hour later Back at it some hour mid-afternoon Break for lunch 30 min later Back at it sometime between 6pm and 9pm Order in Chinese 11pm to 1am Make sure all the mounds of paper are back in their starting places for the next day.
  6. And Sylvester, do you really look that good? Who is that in your icon?
  7. Does Lady Jane Grey really count as a monarch?
  8. Maybe it's just as well that Fred never became king....
  9. Edward

    Your cover ideas please.

    Well, that's a point. But I feel that the banner anchors the page.
  10. These are both pretty common. It really depends on the condition. A circulated example in really excellent condition would be worth about £5, but the coin would need to be really excellent for this, not just "looks pretty good to me!" The value of these coins probably lies more in their personal history for you.
  11. Edward

    Your cover ideas please.

    No, the banner is excellent at the bottom. And I agree with Sylvester, lower case for the "ollectors oins".
  12. Edward

    Your cover ideas please.

    This looks good... I would have a few suggestions to offer: 1. The C's still a bit smaller, and a softer font. "Great Britain" and "2005 Edition" each on one line. 2. The price smaller (in terms of point size; Chris, what about the final price?), in the upper right-hand corner. 3. I still like having the portraits of the coins uncovered. I like Sylvester's idea in principle about the watermark etc but am wondering if the cover is going to be getting cluttered. Of the pictures we've seen to date, I still like the one on his cover best.
  13. Edward

    Guess what I got today!

    I'm surprised to hear that, as the prices for the 6d's are much less than the 2/6's.
  14. Yes, Latvia was independent until its absorption by the Big Red during the war. But Bob's are Soviet issues.
  15. Edward

    Guess what I got today!

    Yes, I've looked at the JasII a bit.... I had a JasII 2/6 in my hands for a while but gave it back because the toning was too bright and it was a bit pitted.... but I haven't seen a 6d from him at all.
  16. Edward

    Now what do you think of this idea?

    I like Protonumismatica.... Just remember who all have gotten you there....
  17. Edward

    Coin storage

    Sylvester, were those 2x2 flips or the cardboard holders? I have been told the cardboard are made with plastic that doesn't damage the coins like PVC. I once ordered hundreds of dollars worth of coins from Florida (read heat, humidity, no circulation) and they came in PVC flips.... each one uglier than the next. I still shudder thinking about it. OOOHHHH. I sent every last one of them back.
  18. There is one word we all live by regarding coin cleaning: DON'T. There are exceptions to this but it's much better not to unless you know exactly what to expect. Cleaning more often damages than helps a coin, and someone willing to pay for a coin that needs cleaning is going to know how to clean it themselves. The 1839 penny could be very worth your while, if indeed it is a penny. 1839 were not issued for general circulation. But how large is the diameter of the coin? There is no denomination on that issue of copper, and it's the diameter as well as slight design differences that distinguish pennies, halfpennies, and farthings. And is your coin worn? How much?
  19. Can you tell us the denominations and anything else about their condition?
  20. You can just click on "Selling your Coins" at the top of this page.
  21. You couldn't do better than going to the host website of this forum, Predecimal.com, and getting directly into contact with the owner, Chris Perkins.
  22. Edward

    Guess what I got today!

    You remind me that I gave my mother a WmIII 1696y sixpence lately too.... I was especially happy to find the York for her as one of her many-times-great grandfathers was Archbishop of York during Elizabeth I (Edwin Sandys). Then she asked me why Mary wasn't on the coin, and after some discussion I told her I'd keep my eyes open for a Wm&M. But the lack of good offerings here as well as the expense! (has anybody said these cost a lot?) have keep that hole open.
  23. Edward

    Coin storage

    Those are the 2x2s that I was referring to before, but that brings us back around to the point that has been made a couple times that that is not a very gorgeous way of presenting the coins. At this point, though, preservation trumps presentation for me, but the 2x2s still hardly contain the crowns, and reading the edge is largely out then. The other thing about having a coin cabinet is that it is, after all, a piece of furniture; and frankly, I don't advertise the fact that I have coins on the premises. This is America, you know.
  24. Edward

    Guess what I got today!

    What is it about mothers and sixpences? Mine has a thing for them too. Is it the early milled look she likes? I wouldn't be surprised, I have a real yen for those too. If so, then you have a large field to interest her in. What about you and your mother having a collection together? My mom and I have a collection like that. It lives with her (about 1000 miles away) but it's "ours." She is particularly fond of the Anne sixpence and the Geo II she has.
  25. Edward

    Coin storage

    I'm just concerned about the capsule equivalent of cabinet rub, especially as the coins I have are mainly EF+ (don't get Chris started about me and EF!!).