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Ukstu last won the day on January 6 2024

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About Ukstu

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  • Birthday May 6

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    Coin collecting , metal detecting & drone flying. Casting small items of jewellery in silver & bronze.

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  1. Cracking collection Paddy. Well done !
  2. Ukstu

    What is it?

    There is many many types. It's definitely not a Schwäbisch Hall hand Heller but i am pretty sure it's something from the German states around the same period. I unfortunately do not have any literature on coins of that region from that period so haven't been able to tie it down exactly. Ma shops is the best i could find but that's only based on what's available for sale so it's proving elusive.
  3. Ukstu

    What is it?

    It's probably a Pfennig or Heller from the German states. Bavaria , Austria etc. The Square in the middle would of had a shield / coat of arms for the area it was struck in.
  4. Ukstu

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Reported also.
  5. Ukstu

    Holed but very rare silling

    My shilling. I think what drew me to it at the time was the portrait. It got over shadowed when I eventually bought a Milled Briot Sixpence.
  6. Ukstu

    Holed but very rare silling

    Beautiful piece. Touchpieces are definitely holed coins worth owning.
  7. Ukstu

    Holed but very rare silling

    Same lol. Mine was a York shilling of Charles I that I feel I overpaid on. I also have a milled Elizabeth sixpence that has a very small filled hole in it but i got that for a reasonable price at the time. The other two are a Gun money sixpence & a commonwealth penny but both them were under £10 if my memory is correct.
  8. Ukstu

    Penny Henry III.

    They are all good English coins. One is a class 4b of Richard that I can make out two are also Henry III. The Walter one is John (6a) & ADAH ( Adam) one is 7b3. I was wrong about the other one i feel. I agree with the initial assessment from Coys55 that it is a new 7a3 find. Apologies to all for any confusion I may have caused.
  9. Ukstu

    Holed but very rare silling

    Agree with other poster's. It's difficult to price holed coins they don't appeal to everyone either. I have a few holed coins that I regret buying in my early day's of collecting. I'll probably put them on eBay in the future and see where the bidding goes but i expect to be disappointed. I definitely overpaid for one of them.
  10. Ukstu

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    That has to be a troll post lol. Classic.
  11. Ukstu

    Penny Henry III.

    Something else that i noticed but forgot to put in my original post. The mouth. Its usually made up of 3 small crescents . Two on top , one on the bottom. That looks like half a circle with a line under it.
  12. Ukstu

    Penny Henry III.

    Glad you thought that as well. It jumped out at me straight away.It gave me a migraine scrutinising it lol.
  13. Ukstu

    Penny Henry III.

    I wonder if its a continental imitation ? Few things seem odd. The hair ringlets merging into the crown and the angle they are on plus the letter R in Henric and the shape of last E in Lunde and rough cut initial cross. Maybe its just me though. Nice find either way and definitely an interesting one.
  14. Ukstu

    class IIb colon after HYB

    I trust your judgement more than i do mine.I don't profess to be sufficient with identification of these , short cross are more my thing. I have a few long cross that are not marked up fully or are most likely incorrect from when i first started out collecting.
  15. Ukstu

    class IIb colon after HYB

    Thanks Stu. It was the shape of the letter C. I thought it looked pointed backed. I actually had it marked down as 10cf3 but i wasn't 100% sure.