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Everything posted by Ukstu

  1. Ukstu

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    £5 -£9. I got a VF beauty class 2b of Bristol last November for £30.
  2. Ukstu

    New pound coin

    They were all spurious. I think one of lads who posts on here made one himself with a grinder to show how easily it was done. They are basically worthless they may even be rejected as legal tender by some places as they are classed as defaced currency.
  3. Ukstu

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Bizarre indeed. Makes you wonder what he's been getting up to in those bushes he's so fond of photographing. 😨
  4. Ukstu

    1940 Silver Threepence

    Price guide here http://www.coins-of-the-uk.co.uk/values/
  5. You'd also need to pickle the coins once the mounts are removed to remove the heat marks thus leaving you with bright shiny clean coins which added on top of the mounting marks put them into the realms of scrap value.
  6. List as is. People buy these items as jewellery still. It's not worth the hassle of removing them as they will still have mounting marks. Weigh them also and see what you'd get for scrap silver. Listing the weight on eBay will aid the sale also if someone just wants them for scrap value.
  7. Looks like a grot. Probably a follis of Vespasian I think judging by the profile.
  8. Ukstu

    Coin identification

    Good work. Here is a website listing the weights of fanam coins. Yours is right bang on. https://taxfreegold.co.uk/indianfanams.html
  9. Ukstu

    Coin identification

    Where did you acquire it from if you don't mind me asking?
  10. Ordered mate. I collect silver pennies. It's not Maundy but they look great. Never know they may become sought after in the future for 18th or 21st BD presents and for £18 it's well worth the gamble. Thanks.
  11. I might get one meself. How much was the p&p mate? Thanks.
  12. Thanks for feedback. I am running Android devices to view the site. I'll look around on play store for a popup closer. 👍
  13. There is also Christopher Eimer. Probably the most knowledgeable guy around in regards to commemorative medals. https://www.christophereimer.co.uk
  14. I've been getting plagued by popups just as i try to move on from here. Only on here no other websites. Asda popups mainly. Anyone else had similar issues? Just happened again only this time it was an Amazon popup. It opened up fully. Ps i have no problem with the site putting ads up , just want to be sure I've not picked up some malware along the way.
  15. Ukstu


    Brilliant ha ha. 😂 Bit sloppy of the BBC to leave those lying around. Definitely new to the hobby if they didn't recognise a bunch of reps from the Lord WestAir collection. Still a funny story though. Classic 😂
  16. Ukstu

    Scottish cut half

    I think that's correct. Pieres is sometimes also seen as Peris on Roxburgh coins of Alexander II. Spink ref : 1536.
  17. Ukstu

    Edward id

    Cheers Dave.
  18. Ukstu

    Edward id

    Can anybody give me a precise classification on this coin. I can't decide whether its a class 11 coin of Ed 2 or a slightly earlier one of Ed 1. Thanks.
  19. Ukstu

    Edward id

    Oops 😂. Sorry. I thought it was Paddy who had replied to it lol.
  20. Ukstu

    Edward id

    Thanks Paddy. I don't have that one in my Library yet. It is 2nd to top of my to buy list though.
  21. Ukstu

    Edward I penny

    Cheers. If you've any idea let us know. I suspect its a class 10 just can't tie it down precisely. The Edward Longcross series isn't my strongest area. If anyone knows why the pellets are put there and for what reason I'd love to know. Seems odd why some have them and others don't and also back to Richards original question "Are they rare"
  22. Ukstu

    Edward I penny

    I posted a similar one a few weeks ago with two pellets in the same place. I wasn't sure if it was an Ed1 or Ed2. Nobody responded.
  23. Ukstu


    Might be an issue at your end. All seems fine on mine. (Android).
  24. If only I'd followed that advice. I've picked up some real horrors in my early days of collecting. But in some areas of collecting it doesn't matter i suppose. Jp mass wasn't fussy about his short cross coins. I expect eventually I'll sell them when the time comes , somebody will buy them like i did. Whether i profit or break evens another matter.
  25. Wise decision. I've bought one £100 coin since New year. Managed to save just under a grand up in the meantime and i am being picky about any future purchases going forward now.