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Everything posted by Ukstu

  1. Ukstu

    groat id

    I thought it had been annealed when I first saw it. It's very bright!
  2. Ukstu

    Decimal Values

    You've lost me. ?
  3. Fairly new to the market them replicas with the heart shape stamp. Last few years anyway.
  4. Ukstu

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Try and haggle him down a bit lol. If you want a rough idea of value on the merk see what there going for in that condition on eBay. Good luck with them. Here's a similar one. There ain't many on there though. Saw another one for £550 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Scotland-Silver-Charles-II-Merk-13s-4d-S5611-1673-First-Coinage/382278605456
  5. Ukstu

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Am skint now lol. I've shelled out just shy of £200 this week on short cross coins. Christmas snapping at my heels as well i think am done til January.
  6. Unfortunately yeah we are. I just hope he didn't part with too much cash for it. I'd definitely be chasing a refund for it that's for sure.
  7. Ukstu

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I think it would be. The merks the really valuable one out the bunch. The Longcross is a good grade also. I suppose if the Geo III trio was ok it would be a good deal. The Charles 1st is a bit shagged. ?. You might make back what you shelled out if you put the merk back on eBay i suppose.
  8. Ukstu

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    It is indeed. Triangle mintmark. That lot was easily worth the £200. Keep an eye out for a relist ?. He might even lower it lol.
  9. Ukstu

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    There not cheap. Thats the first I've seen under £300. I bet he didn't have a clue it was a merk/ half merk.
  10. Ukstu

    groat id

    Rosette Mascle Henry VI Groat , Calais.
  11. Ukstu

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Looks fine. It is a scottish coin (merk). Some have marks below the bust. The profile looks Scottish. Some have a small F for Falconer or a thistle below the bust. I can't make it out fully as i am on my phone.
  12. Ukstu

    A new short cross moneyer

    Very true! New discoveries come to light all the time. There could be a hoard sat buried with a new moneyer or moneyers in it. You never know.
  13. Earlier in the year i recall seeing on a website a short cross coin with a previously unknown moneyers name on it. If my memory is correct it was Austen or Austin at Ocse ( oxford). Has anybody else seen this coin and if so do you have a link to the site it was on? I can't find it now. I found it by mistake previously while researching. I believe it was found on a club dig by a metal detecting club by a young female member. The images of the coin where on Twitter i think. Thanks.
  14. Ukstu

    groat id

    I know. Just looked. He didn't mint Canterbury so scratch him off. Could it be Spink 2032.Would you say that's a knot below the bust?
  15. Ukstu

    groat id

    I believe its a Henry VI half groat. Canterbury or Edward IV half groat. But get a second opinion.
  16. It's a cast replica. It's marked with the little heart shape to the left of the portrait which shows it to be a replica. That's why its mushy looking and lacks detail. Sorry http://trade.ancestors.co.uk/products/timeline/coins/saxon-norman-william-i-penny-2023-6
  17. Ukstu

    A new short cross moneyer

    J.P Mass almost solved this one. He knew of a cut half with USTIN on it of Henry II class 1b1. He couldn't attribute it to any mint nor did he guess the missing letter , could of been Justin as well as Austin i suppose. Its listed as an unknown coin of Henry II in his book on page 86.
  18. Ukstu

    short cross

    Working from right to left Your spot on with the ID of the first full coin. Its a 5a2 of Ricard under John. The other full one i can't make out. Middle one is Henry III Nicole London. Looks to end VN i think. The second to left i cannot say for sure. I'd need a better image so I'll skip that one. Last on left is Henry II Alain London so you were almost right with that. It is class 1a5 or 1b1. Overall you've done very well for a first attempt. You may well be correct on the two i skipped. I'd need better images.
  19. Ukstu

    Unknown hammered token/coin

    Always the way. It was staring me right in the eye all along. I wonder if its counterfeit? Its not stood the test of time well. It's shagged ?. It looks worse now than it did when i found it.
  20. Firstly apologies for posting this in British hammered as its not British i couldn't figure were to post it! I could do with some help identifying this. I've had it for years. I figured it was perhaps something to do with Pope Martin but to be honest thats a shot in the dark. Its roughly the same size as a Longcross penny , about 19mm. Metal wise I'd say it was silvered or low grade debased silver. It has what looks like an eagle on the rear with out stretched claws. Any ideas?
  21. Ukstu

    Continental Coin.

    They are indeed. If only they could tell stories. I often wonder whose handled them in the past. Fascinating hobby. Best of both worlds detecting and collecting.?
  22. Ukstu

    Unknown hammered token/coin

    I can see that now. I found that years ago detecting. Probably around 2010. It's been in a box ever since. Thanks for your help.
  23. Ukstu

    Unknown hammered token/coin

    Thank you. Thats definitely it i think. I was way off the mark. Great work! ?
  24. Ukstu

    Continental Coin.

    You'll pick it up as you go along. It will become second nature after awhile. You'll find one and be able to just wipe the dirt off and ID it there and then ?
  25. Ukstu

    Continental Coin.

    Thats the best way to learn Gaz. You'll make mistakes but its all a learning curve. Took me awhile to suss things out and sometimes i have my niggling doubts especially with the sub classes. Once you understand the letters and styles you've got it sussed , the rest is just checking the monarch then class.