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Everything posted by Feenix

  1. Hi Folks, I just spent some time writing a lengthy topic and lost the whole thing when attempting to post it, so excuse me for being brief. I was hoping someone might be able to provide some guidance as to whether this coin might have any value or not, and if the differences are liable to be minting errors. http://imgur.com/a/6jtZO I've created an imgur album at the above link. I have three of these coins alongside each other. There are a couple of very clear differences between them on the "Y" and "O" of the "YOU", and the reverse side is missing some dots on the embossed ring of dots. I can see the text on the outer ring is oriented the other way on one coin, but I believe this can happen commonly during the minting of coins, and is not of any intrest. Thank you in anticipation of your time and advice.