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  1. craigy

    1953 VIP Proof set

    think my half crown is the bog standard one
  2. some thing like this sold for arounf 400 quid a little while back, looks wrong to me,
  3. craigy


  4. craigy


    not often i find any decent coins detecting Series F i believe, cross on steps , its a chunky little thing,
  5. craigy

    Edward iv

    no i wasn't interested init, just looks like a repro and he was asking £165 for it
  6. craigy

    Edward iv

    having a discussion with someone selling this, to me it looks like a repro, thoughts welcome
  7. craigy

    Thoughts please

    something nagging about this
  8. craigy

    Bu 2021 sovereign

    any excuse for a mint mark now
  9. craigy

    Bu 2021 sovereign

    a snip at £520 😉 ok it has a matt finish and a special privi mark 2021 sovereign
  10. craigy

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    am i missing something here ? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1966-Half-Penny-Coin-Gold-British-60s-Retro-Old-Vintage-Uncirculated-High-Grade/313244915522?hash=item48eeda1742:g:7JAAAOSwCu5etwIS eDIT, just realised its gold plated
  11. craigy

    Toned hammered,

    i am starting to see a lot of toned hammered for sale here and there, anyone else noticed, i think in 15 yeras of detecting and coin collecting i have only ever seen one hammered with a slight tinge untill now
  12. craigy

    thoughts on ebay sale

    this has been posted in other places, went for nearly £400 om the bay, looks odd to me,
  13. craigy

    hoard uncovered

    hoard being removed from the soil
  14. craigy

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    what does G stand for ?GOAT ?