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Everything posted by craigy

  1. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1953-Queen-Elizabeth-II-Great-Britain-Proof-Crown-PCGS-PR64-DCAM/392017734475?hash=item5b4613eb4b:g:RlIAAOSwTMxazmfB not sure thats really a deep cameo though need to get my cameo crown slabbed me thinks, mine is much better than that one ,
  2. so they did a deep cameo and the standard proof in the 77 ? i was on about the standard silver proof, ? or were some just more cameo than others ?
  3. have a couple of them, amazing how little you can pick them up, not sure if mine are deep cam though, yes you can make them look better by tilting the camera ever so slightly
  4. craigy

    "Sixpence" in a Charity Shop Lot

    let me know if you sellimg it
  5. craigy

    1937 £5

    https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1937-King-George-VI-Great-Britain-Gold-Proof-Five-Pounds-5-PCGS-PR65-Deep-Cameo/392000034709?hash=item5b4505d795:g:6YUAAOSwx2haqTvd oneof these is on my bucket list, even considered selling what i own to buy one if that would even scrape up enough
  6. craigy

    Help deciphering a mint - Tealby Penny

    top one is a 5g off my head and 5 c for the bottom one
  7. craigy

    Help deciphering a mint - Tealby Penny

    anyone shed any light on this tealby
  8. craigy

    my pal Henry III

    been trudging round the same field since xmas, had a feeling summit special might be hiding after finding part of a Saxon horse horse bridle bit, just cannot seem to get my hammy count beyond Henry II, anyway they come in all shapes and sizes and i still cannot identify a mint or moneyer lol at least it has a face , happy days
  9. having had a little delve into these sets i have seen a common feature, you can buy a set where all the silvers apart from the crown are cameo, yet you can pick up the loose cameo crowns and to an extent the bronzes, what bugs me is why is this so ?
  10. https://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/sovereignty.coins.ltd?_trksid=p2047675.l2559
  11. craigy

    Frosting and Proofs

    found this reference regarding the 37 crowns
  12. craigy

    Frosting and Proofs

    so what the hell are the other coins then ? i have a 53 proof penny which shows that same finish, i know its not clear in that link but i can see it straight away, yeah i'm sure one of them has a toothed border on one side and beaded on the other, not sure if thats a way to tell that its a "vip proof" there was thread on here that mentioned that variety, i might send my frosty 53 crown in to the mint museum and see what the beards say,
  13. anyway you mentioned the VIP word not me
  14. have you ever seen a complete set that have all toned nicely and are the same coins in the box from when they were minted, i would imagine that is a rare beast,, yes i am excited about it, all the questions it raises and the fact no one except people who have these vip sets knows the real answer, i know they are fairly modern coins in the great scheme of collecting,
  15. craigy

    Frosting and Proofs

    the royal mint are reluctant to give me a picture of their 1953 vip proof crown as it might not be representative of one ?? whatever that means Dear Mr Cook I am very sorry for the delay in response to your enquiry, dated 4 August. Frosting is a variable feature of the 1953 proofs. We cannot comment further without seeing the coin you have, but even then it is extremely difficult to identify the so called VIP finish referred to by coin dealers. With this in mind, it may be that any photographic examples we could supply will show a variation of frosting to the type that your pieces display. Yours sincerely
  16. craigy

    Frosting and Proofs

    i have a several 53 proof half crowns now that show the frosting, seems the rare frosted proof is the one in the plastic set, my latest one,
  17. craigy

    Frosting and Proofs

    vip proofs that the royal mint wont even comment on, leave it up to whoever to judge what is vip proof/proof
  18. craigy

    Edward Penny for ID please?

    i'm going for 10fcfffc wotsit lol
  19. craigy

    My Latest Acquisition

    nobody seems to know, even the Royal Mint museum, same with the 1937 cameos's, no one can say for certain what is vip or standard proof,
  20. nice half crown up on the bay, ending soon, was gonna have a little punt but have 4 already lol https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/George-VI-Half-Crown-Proof-1937/173222088188?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2055359.m1431.l2649
  21. i am the owner of this one now though lol https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/George-VI-Proof-Threepence-1937-/173222055804?hash=item2854d6cf7c%3Ag%3A9RMAAOSwbgparXPD&nma=true&si=kCKkOc3cL2pR6OLh9ph7hU%252FpXT4%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 hopefully his hands were clean lol
  22. is that cheap ? my slabbed cameo pf 66 was £67
  23. yeah i did think that, to think i put cotton gloves on holding a billy basic lol
  24. craigy

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    bargain lol https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Trial-Of-The-Pyx-Royal-Mint-2016-50p-rare-collection-coin/192485294879?hash=item2cd104831f:g:UT0AAOSwam1arX3P