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Everything posted by craigy

  1. Specfication says its BU, nothing like the BU ones form the last 2 years ????
  2. bought a bullion 200 year privy mark sovereign from royal mint bullion, even that has some proof like qualities on the lettering or i'm just imagining it ???
  3. craigy

    Battle of Hastings coin bars

    when i get in tonight i will photograph the booklet with them all in so you can work out what ones you are missing
  4. keep forgetting that proclamation stuff lol, wonder what set the copper one will come in ? wecan try that if ya want will have a quicl look online later see if i can locate it that wa y ;0) thank you
  5. how would you describe it ? proof, almost proof like ? brand new dies ? highly polished dies ? either way i think its pretty smart
  6. craigy


    people seem to be saying the same in online reviews
  7. craigy


    out of interest how did the 4 get so far form the rest of the date, i just dont like the pushy in and out the door attitude like your causing them hassle for wanting to buy something from them
  8. craigy

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    not heard that
  9. craigy

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

  10. maybe the same thing applies to the frosted proof/vip 37 and 53 crowns etc ???? and there will never be a definitive answer ???
  11. the dies have defo had some prep work done or do the early strike definitive show this as well of you catch them early enough ? they even went to the trouble of doing jody clarks initials, £15 isn't so much when you can pay £13 for a base metal £2 coin, least its made of some precious metal lol
  12. i assume silver being called a silver penny, there is no specifications on it, i will ask, strange one, still has the old reverse which is pretty cool, would be interesting to get it slabbed see what they call it ? i like the ngc holders, where do you get that done
  13. the royal mint have told me they are struck as brilliant uncirculated ???
  14. i'd even go so far as to say ultra cameo ??
  15. £3, spend 45 and over for free postage lol, but i'm not saying it will be like that, but the 2 i bought were the same, it might be fresh brand new dies is the reason but there has obviously been some proper prep work done on them dies, you only have to look at jody clarks initials under the queens neck to know that, i thought it would be like the new sixpences, bright almost bullion look to it, maybe if you get the earlier minted sixpences they might look like that until the dies have bedded in ? ?
  16. sorry should have said, its struck in silver, the thing is it doesn't claim to be anything, https://www.royalmint.com/our-coins/gifts/christening-and-baby-gifts/Baby-Boy-Silver-Penny/ i only bought it cause i noticed it had Christopher Ironsides reverse on it, and thought it was a bit quirky and i guess it just caught my eye, and also it might turn out to be quite an interesting piece, i doubt there are many collectors out there that are excited about it as i am lol apart from the 50p's £1 and £2's every thing else go by the wayside
  17. how would you describe that ? proof, almost proof like ? brand new dies ? highly polished dies ?
  18. craigy

    Recent aquisitions

    opps wrong section lol
  19. craigy

    Recent aquisitions

    not the greatest pictures, not the greatest condition but i love the one year only design, a shilling or half crown would be nice 1821 sixpence
  20. craigy

    Todays Groat find

    very nice, still waiting for one
  21. craigy


    exactly the same i had with ingram coins, only he went by one that sold on lca for 2.5k, yet i showed him loads foir sale for a few quid, cost me £190 notes to get my money back, biggest pair of scammers going, their mark up on it was over £350, you get coins form them that aint pictured and you trust them and when they turn up there badly toned proofs that were described as fdc or afdc still a big question mark over these vip proofs