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Everything posted by craigy

  1. craigy

    Help me with everything

    looks ok to me, silver washing seems to be more common than first thought in my opinion
  2. asked the royal mint if they could let me know how many 2017, 13 and 8 coin annual sets were sold to try and work out how many 20p and £2 coins were issued in the sets, got the standard reply,,, Hi Craig, we haven't got these figures at the moment, sorry! The best thing I can suggest is to keep checking the website for updates. is it that hard for them to collate this information, the sets are long sold out so surely they should know this answer,
  3. craigy

    Edward I Groat

    does anyone own such a thing ? would love to see
  4. more tat arriving form the royal mint soon https://www.royalmint.com/register-interest/gruffalo/?utm_source=hootsuite&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=Gruffalo
  5. craigy

    on it rolls

    and they are reluctant to give out specific figures for specific coin, ie the bob 50p without denomination
  6. where is that and how does it work, nice coin
  7. who are the London coin company, they seem to sell coins at vastly over inflated prices online and on ebay yet come across as a a profession type of company,
  8. craigy

    massive hoard unearthed

    over 2500 coins of harold II and william I
  9. craigy

    50 Years of the 50p (Set)

    and again the kew gardens from 2009 aint exactly rare is it with dozens of listings on ebay and the mintage of 210,000
  10. craigy

    First hammered of 2019

    Still amazes me how many hammered coins this particular field has thrown up, and with other bits and bobs it nods to a long gone market site within or bordering a deer park , was obviously a medieval market for quite a while as the coins range from Henry II to Charles I, i think this is Edward I. ?? Durham mint which is my first Durham coin from this field, and its a big old flan on it, please excuse the awful pictures, any id is welcome, thanks for looking,
  11. craigy

    50 Years of the 50p (Set)

    now £800 from the london coin company https://thelondoncoincompany.com/epages/4d237887-b78a-4f19-8c94-ebc46654c578.sf/en_US/?ObjectPath=%2FShops%2F4d237887-b78a-4f19-8c94-ebc46654c578%2FProducts%2FSCS-037000&fbclid=IwAR1gEu1c-6tpPubuCDoCLkfkkJMmiWNbCKdclLBaLskHgY9dj9IxYyFmj4o
  12. craigy

    50 Years of the 50p (Set)

    the london coin company have some in stock at a mere snip for 750 lol, how are they getting their hands on so many sets ? https://thelondoncoincompany.com/epages/4d237887-b78a-4f19-8c94-ebc46654c578.sf/en_US/?ObjectPath=/Shops/4d237887-b78a-4f19-8c94-ebc46654c578/Products/SCS-037000
  13. craigy

    50 Years of the 50p (Set)

    yup all straight on ebay, yet you sign up for info from the mint and find nothing out until 2 weeks later
  14. silver pennies and linen towels is a great book
  15. craigy

    Royal Mint 2019 coin sets

    i love the sapphire anniversary coin but dislike the way they write anniversary of blah blah on the coins now
  16. craigy

    Royal Mint 2019 coin sets

    the royal mint have stated the annual sets are a representation of the best coins for that year
  17. not the oldest of coins but a beautiful design
  18. craigy

    Royal Mint 2019 coin sets

    and the 2019 like the last few annual sets will not include all the released 2019 coins
  19. craigy

    vip 53 crown,

    graded as a ultra cameo, yet listed as a vip proof, i really need to get my cameo proof one slabbed https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Elizabeth-II-1953-VIP-Proof-Crown-PR66-Ultra-Cameo-NGC-Royal-Mint-KM894-S-4/232854327708?hash=item363733119c:g:wMIAAOSw0d9bSxU0:rk:1:pf:0
  20. heading over to you tube to check it out