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    English Commonwealth period

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  1. Diaconis

    Geoffrey Cope Collection

    Nice Struggling to whittle down my “ must have, or will throw toys out of pram ” list. Might have to dig deep, I fear that there will be stiff competition on many of the lots. 🙀
  2. Tonight, I sorted my coins according to the monarch's resemblance to Julie Goodyear. One of my favourite Dylan tracks, those lyrics just leave you guessing. Seen him six times but he never performed this song, I don't think he has ever played it live despite trying over 40 versions and never being happy with it. Lou Reed tried to do it but failed IMO. Not recommended to find yourself with an obscured view of the stage. I remember one concert where for an hour and a half all I saw was the neck of Dylan's guitar bobbing back and forth from behind an ornate stanchion, 'not somebody to move around with much' 🙂
  3. Just a thought. Suppose we believe Hobbes that the state of nature is a horrible place where laws do not exist, property is non-existent, and everyone is out for themselves without a care for others. That then is the motivation to work and pay a portion of the proceeds from the fruits of our labours to maintain a government to protect us, and maintain natural law. The irony is that the value we are getting for our buck these days is inversely proportional to the greed and self-centeredness of the government itself. Regressing into the state of nature and paying for the privilege 😃 Has a Pythonesque feel to it.
  4. my thoughts exactly Del👍🏽
  5. Participated at Noonans today, some interesting lots. This Cromwell shilling surprised me hammering at £2k incl premium. I had convinced myself that I might pick it up for a song however another bidder had seen something I didn’t. Im still looking 🧐
  6. And it goes on… prices for top pieces just keep on rising. An excellent Petition Crown just went for $960,000 with BP at Heritage. Electrotype gap filler for me😬, and they’re not cheap either.
  7. A rare sight in Telford, just taken from Mum’s kitchen window.
  8. “watching the wheels go round and round”
  9. Hope this isn't too close to the bone...
  10. Diaconis

    The crazy world of Top pop buyers

    You simply made a statement concerning the reality of things. As Diogenes said, “Of what use is a philosopher who doesn't hurt anybody's feelings?” 😉