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Everything posted by Mumra

  1. Hello so one of the things consuming my mind it seems is as soon as I see a coin is worth something my next thought is: is it a fake... so I've been studying how to do this. And it's a tricky subject I have found. And I am pretty new to this field so I would like to bounce a few things off of the experts on here. Thanks! Ok so my newest problem: a bunch of maybe good American coins: https://imgur.com/gallery/2SzTf At first I thought the weights were out but I'm guessing they are within the limits? And the sizes are within limits as well? There's also nickel present too but I've not done any specific gravity test and I'm not sure it will help or not. So it feels like they could be real but I'm still not 100 percent. Any thoughts etc.? Thanks!
  2. Ok so yes I'm new to metal testing and coins but this coin has got me stumped and in pretty sure I'm doing things mostly correctly. So it's got a hole from being a piece of jewellery it weighs 1.6 grams on my .1 weighing machine so that looks good it is also 17mm so another tick the for a gold 5 Franc 1867 coin. But then I check the coins photos and none of them are white gold so I'm thinking a copy or a silver coated coin or something so I start testing... The tests say no silver no base metal not 9ct then it gets harder... The results point to 18 - 24ct?! But it's silver / white gold colour? Finally I left some testing acid too long trying to test the inside of the hole and unfortunately it was stained kind of pink ish which I rubbed with a silver (impregnated with chemical) cloth which I was told would clean it but I'm left with a gold / bright copper kind of colour... See photos. I don't have any more other metal testing liquids so not sure if there is any other ones involved. So 1. Can I clean it back to white gold colour? 2. What is it? Thanks! 3 photos one before silver cloth two after : (will add soon I'm having trouble posting images) ...Ok this is the best I can do: https://imgur.com/gallery/goATF
  3. Ok so slightly upgraded equipment and the dangle test : https://imgur.com/gallery/pQfjj 1.571g weight 0.080g in water weight = 19.6375 gold I guess? Thx
  4. 17mm by 0.6mm seems to be the exact size of a genuine one though. I saw this too: This 5 Francs coin features a bust of Napoleon III in profile and contains .0467 oz of pure Gold. Not sure if that's relevant. anyway I'll try the dangle in water specific gravity hopefully tomorrow. . It's looking like 1.573g on my new weighing machine on a quick try. Thx
  5. Ok so I've not been able to fully work this one out so I thought I would throw it out there so somone can help maybe . So basically what's this?: 1867 shilling with an elephant on Victorias head :s ! https://imgur.com/gallery/rxoNE Hopefully you can see it :s . Just a random artistic thing? Fits the head so well though and is it Victoria head 2 or 3? Interesting coin .
  6. Also I must say I was having trouble with my phone earlier and got a bit distracted. I meant to say it's about 0.6 to 0.5mm thick in total. And slightly thicker at the hole due to displacement (maybe 0.7mm ish total thickness at the hole). So it's looking like the correct measurements for this coin. I have new testing equipment on the way which will give better information... Thanks.
  7. I guess I need more investigation... I'll post back when I have something...I did wonder if it was real then coated in white gold recently or something else making it silver coloured... Anyway thx...
  8. Thickness is around 0.5 0.6 mm thicker at the hole... because of displaced metal. edit: ok so thickness of 0.6mm means gold I guess ... Or a really accurate copy :s
  9. Oh I ment it's 0.5 to 0.6 mm total thickness in different places ... Did a few measurements. And yes I'm just doing all this to learn I think I'll try this in the future : https://youtu.be/xYdSEAm-7uI thx.
  10. Thickness is around 0.5 0.6 mm thicker at the hole... because of displaced metal.
  11. Well I only rubbed the bit that was broken already... Yes well I'll get a more accurate weight tester anyway but it's very close already... Maybe some other metal tests... And still 0 silver in tests. Thickness is around 0.5 0.6 mm thicker at the hole. Thx Hmm but I mean I'm getting 0 on the copper scale not even tiny fleks see here: https://imgur.com/gallery/rntXr The copper coin violently reacts... instantly green... the mystery French coin stays totally clear on all parts no reaction to this or the silver solution only the stronger 14 - 24ct solution and it's slow so on the higher end... :S
  12. Hmm but I mean I'm getting 0 on the copper scale not even tiny fleks see here: https://imgur.com/gallery/rntXr The copper coin violently reacts... instantly green... the mystery French coin stays totally clear on all parts no reaction to this or the silver solution only the stronger 14 - 24ct solution and it's slow so on the higher end... :S
  13. I think it's been cleaned before I got it but I tried rubbing a side and it's testing the same wouldn't copper give other readings? And how can 18 + ct gold look so white thanks. Edit: I ment I rubbed some of the darker metal off the side from under and it says gold on the test... I'll do some more testing I guess...
  14. I think it's been cleaned before I got it but I tried rubbing a side and it's testing the same wouldn't copper give other readings? And how can 18 + ct gold look so white thanks.
  15. Ah ok so the engraving is done directly on the coin not stamped I guess. There's a few odd markings as well like on her neck and the other side...I think yes some will like others hate Thanks!
  16. Mumra

    A few coins 1776 half penny etc...

    Ah ok tricky stuff I see prices much higher than the grading on similar ones and they sold. I need to learn more I guess. One example : eBay.... Thx
  17. Hello! I'm new to here and coins but I'm learning. I bought quiet a few old pennies and the like and a few are quiet interesting see here: https://imgur.com/gallery/Kar8t Hibernia 1776 and a 1773 farthing. The 1776 I've seen for £200 in a slightly worse condition. Which when I checked prices elsewhere didn't seem to make sense. Anyway what grade are these coins do you think? As I'm learning and I might be wrong. Thanks!