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Everything posted by william

  1. Actually, it might be more like 14 or 15. I get £2 every week, and at the moment i don't have much money. I guess I could try and earn extra money somehow, but I probably won't get it in time, it will probably sell quickly won't it?
  2. Nice coin, I might buy that. Mind you, i will have to wait 16 weeks till i have saved the money. Damn, I probably won't get it then!
  3. Yeah, probably cos u can touch type and I can't
  4. The 1937 penny will be worth about 50p - £1 at the most The 1933 florin will be worth about £2 - £15 The 1967 half crown will be worth about 50p at the most. I can't tell you much about the American one, i don't know much about them, sorry. We will need pictures or proper grades to value them properly though
  5. That is so obvious!
  6. william

    3 mystery coins

    Kathy, these sound like medals. Geoff is the medal expert
  7. It does look a bit strange doesn't it? The toning doesn't look right to me...
  8. william

    Farthing hoard.

    ..and I don't think our grading would go down well in the US!
  9. We'll need a better idea of the condition to value them properly. Can you post a picture?
  10. william

    Farthing hoard.

    Yeah, that is nice. He only seems to have one left! I wish I had £45!
  11. william

    Farthing hoard.

    I might buy one of them
  12. william

    Farthing hoard.

    Really? I never heard about that hoard. How many coins were there in it?
  13. william

    Farthing hoard.

    They look really nice. I wouldn't mind having one of them, but that's the trouble, I would only want one. I don't see why you would want 99 of them...
  14. william


    I dont think I will see the new £2 one
  15. william


    Thanks, I've changed it now though, do you think I shoulg get the gorilla back?
  16. william


    I only see one commemorative 50p every month, and one £2 about every three months
  17. william


    Doubt it, i usually see about 2 commemorative £2's every week...probably just luck...but i only have the 1 2004 comm £2... Strange, I'm lucky if I see any commemorative 50ps, let alone £2s. I always see the normal £2s, but I have not yet seen the 2004 one...
  18. william

    Anyone noticed Cooke's new Farthing list?

    Dodgy... I dont receive the farthing list either, sorry
  19. william


    Really? That'll probably be the only one you ever get. I don't know about everyone else, but I hardly ever see any of the commemorative £2 coins!
  20. william

    Mine or William's

    Cool, Ive given you my pictures!!
  21. william


    I have seen the 2004 1p around...
  22. william

    Mine or William's

    The threehalfpence it is! Is my picture of the farthing alright? I can edit it if you want...
  23. william

    Mine or William's

    Thanks for that, I'll enter the threehalfpence
  24. william

    Mine or William's

    Which one do you think I should enter?
  25. william

    Mine or William's

    I have managed to lighten them both up. Which do you think is the right quality for the competition. Here is the crown...http://s7.invisionfree.com/Poke_Thing/inde...=post&id=823834 ...and here is the threhalfpence...