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Everything posted by william

  1. william

    Mine or William's

    Should I enter the threehalfpence then Sylvester?
  2. william

    Mine or William's

    Should I enter a differernt coin then, cos that's as good as i can get it? If you wanted, I could enter that threehalfpence I was telling you about in the other thread? I can attach a pic.... And yes, not authorised came up
  3. william

    Mine or William's

    ..but I could enter a different coin that I have a brilliant picture of on my PC. But I guess it's too late for that
  4. william

    Mine or William's

    Sorry Sylvester, that's about a good as it will get
  5. william

    Mine or William's

    It's not a brilliant pic, but in the flesh you can see prooflike, rainbow like toning.
  6. william

    Mine or William's

    I've got the picture of my crown! Ok, it wont let me attach it on here. Oh well, I'll host it somewhere else... Ok, it's here: http://s7.invisionfree.com/Poke_Thing/inde...=post&id=792112
  7. william

    Mine or William's

    Thank you for voting for the crown HPJ. I will try and get the picture up tonight.
  8. william

    Mine or William's

    Thank you very much JMD!
  9. 1918C, 1918M, 1918P and 1918S exist, but there is not one for the normal variety (struck at the Royal Mint). Check the mintmark.
  10. william

    Mine or William's

    Oli Ill post a pic as soon as i can, but for now, it looks like this one: http://predecimal.com/forsale/crown1889no3.jpg
  11. william

    The London coin Fair

    But you didn't even use the in your post in the end!
  12. william

    Fur or no fur?

    Great, thanks, we went to Yorkshire, a village called Reeth in the North part... I think I might have missed quite a lot actually, when I did a search for view new posts, there were three whole pages of them!
  13. william

    The London coin Fair

    How much spending money did you have HPJ?
  14. william

    Fur or no fur?

    I like cheese, but hate milk. Btw, I don't agree with killing animals for their fur, it's for there use, not ours. Killing for meat is ok, but for fur is just unfair
  15. william

    oldest and newest

    I will try and get one on tonight, but no guarantees as I am going on holiday tomorrow, and wil be away for a week, so if I cannot get one tonight, it will have to wait
  16. william

    oldest and newest

    It looks kind of shiny in a weird way
  17. william

    oldest and newest

    I would call it AVF/VF - if it's real, something looks kinda strange about it... Unfortunately though, someone has welded a loop into the top in the past
  18. william

    error coin?

    Oh yeah, I remeber that, I've got one too lolololol! Btw, good one Chris
  19. william

    Tea or coffee?

    Am I the only one here who hates the stuff?
  20. william

    oldest and newest

    Oldest: 1795 maundy penny Newest: 2003 set
  21. william


    How do you we aren't adults? How do you know we are not lying to you? Wait, Geoff has met me, but it could go for the other 'child' members
  22. william

    How can I get a rough price idea for this set?

    So does Chris you know