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Everything posted by william

  1. william

    How can I get a rough price idea for this set?

    Coin Wars, the return of the Kruggerand lolololol
  2. I hate enamelled coins cos I find them so ugly, same with the mounted ones...
  3. So do I, and look at all those brooch ones!
  4. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...bayphotohosting *Cries*
  5. william

    can anyone help?

    It generally helps....
  6. william

    can anyone help?

    Sylvester, I have a 1992 5p with flat broad edge milling, is that rare, or is it just the 10p that's rare?
  7. william

    Top 10 favourite coins in your collection...

    Is that the one you showed me?
  8. william

    What do you think of Page 4?

    That looks much better Chris, well done
  9. william

    Tea or coffee?

    I don't like tea or coffee
  10. Ebay.co.uk is full of Churchill crowns
  11. william

    Top 10 favourite coins in your collection...

    Absolutely no sixpences! (and Willaim, I believe the top coin is Gibraltarian) Damn, I always get those two mixed up
  12. Wow, that looks nice
  13. william

    New cheif cashier

    Well I haven't been seeing mucj money lately, I'm in debt to my dad
  14. william

    Top 10 favourite coins in your collection...

    1) Two quarts, Guernsey F - VF 2) Two kopekh, Russia, fair 3) 1900 gold gilt farthing, GEF 4) 1901 farthing, UNC 5) 1844 third farthing, VF 6) 1844 half farthing, EF 7) 1843/34 threehalfpence, NF 8) 1839 threehalfpence, AF 9) 1845 crown, F 10) 1889 crown, VF, beautiful toning These are in no particular order BTW
  15. william

    New cheif cashier

    I didn't know at all
  16. william

    Most valuable coin you own.....

    I hope you get one as well HPJ. Are you really still in mourning from loosing that bid. Happy Birthday for tommorow by the way John
  17. william

    1879 Obv. 9 Rev. K

    How do you know?
  18. william

    Layout and design

    Yes, I hate the contents page, we should move that to the first page and then have the crowns next etc etc.
  19. william

    1879 Obv. 9 Rev. K

    Whoa, you now have a copy of Spink! Btw, I don't know, but I would agree with HPJ
  20. william

    I'm a Prefect!

    How long have you been a prefect HPJ?