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Everything posted by william

  1. william

    New coins...

    Congratulations Sylvester!
  2. william

    Layout and design

    I also think we should start with the crowns. Chris, UNC and BU will be much better, is AFDC even a proper grade?
  3. william

    I'm a Prefect!

    I think they have them at the grammar school I am going to go to, but they don't have them at my primary school
  4. william

    Rotograpic.co.uk P2

    Cool, I didn't realise it was that many
  5. william

    Rotograpic.co.uk P2

    Seens sensible... Chris, how many coins do you have on the Rotoghraphic database now?
  6. william

    Where should we start?

    I could do dealers lists if you want, I could just get them sent to me because of this book. I would love to do anything Victorian, but I also don't mind doing George V, George VI or Elizabeth II when I have finished the Victorian...
  7. I didn't realise there was anything like that, thanks Oli
  8. My french teacher gave me a sheet which shows all of the letters with accents as well as other difficult letters. ç, é, è! What are the codes for them them HPJ?
  9. No, do it in Photo Editor; Bitmaps take up far too much space and I don't think you can actually upload them to these boards. With PE, it makes them into .jpegs. You can actually save pictures in paint as .jpgs or even .gifs you know Oli!
  10. Ok, we do have a £ which is shift+3, we have the dollars sign which is shift+4, but I have realised that on Microsoft Word, the euro sign can be any of these: Ctrl+alt+4 Alt Gr+4 Ctrl+alt+E Oli, I don't think Alt+4 works on mine
  11. william

    The London coin Fair

    I am not allowed to travel about 200 or 300 miles to a coin fair
  12. william

    Far Eastern coin

    So my coin is Japanese, thanks a lot Kevin!
  13. I have a coin which I don't know anything about. It has a square hole in the middle, and around that are some strange letters. I think it is Chinese or Japanese. Can anybody confirm what country it is from, and give me a rough date. The Chinese letters are hard to see in the scan, so I have circled them. Here is a pic vvvv Thanks
  14. william

    1933 penny

    The normal one I think, but I am not positive!
  15. william

    1933 penny

    There are seven of them I think...
  16. william

    Sylvester for Moderator

    Well done Sylvester!
  17. william

    1901 penny

    Are you pleased with it Master JMD?
  18. william

    The London coin Fair

    Terrorists at a coin fair. Now that's just stupid, it makes me laugh. Imagine it: "Fred, you look for Edward the 8th retropatterns, I want them all assasinated, Bob, you take the Churchill crowns, and I'll do the decimal crap. Assasinate everything you find by noon, then we can have lunch, and after that bag the rare stuff and bust outa here!! Everyone, split up!!" Lol!
  19. william

    New coins...

    Oh yes, I nearly forgot to ask him that! Quarter Noble = £200 Sixpence = £57 All in all not too bad. Not bad, well done. Where did you buy them?
  20. william

    The London coin Fair

    No, but I wish I could...
  21. william

    New coins...

    Oh yes, I nearly forgot to ask him that!
  22. william

    Rotograpic.co.uk P2

    Colin Cooke sells quality coins, but i can't help feeling the prices are a bit high even so, hence why i've abstained from buying anything from there yet. I've never bought from him either, I have noticed that the prices are just over catalogue value... I might try him soon I dunno...
  23. william

    New coins...

    Well done Sylvester, hammered gold and some more early milled!