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Everything posted by william

  1. Now that's just stupid
  2. william

    Read this first if new here.

    Why don't you let him write a book on it for you and then you could publish it?
  3. william

    Rotograpic.co.uk P2

    Yes it is: JM Donnelly!
  4. william

    Rotograpic.co.uk P2

    He has told me his name! BTW, it's not Jebedia Mildred Dougal!
  5. william

    Rotograpic.co.uk P2

    I've added my third faryhing to your database. I'm really very proud of it... Will you tell me your real name MJMD?
  6. william

    1925 half penny

    I wouldn't bid either, you could probably find a better one somewhere else...
  7. william

    1901 penny

    That looks AUNC to me, I would bid!
  8. william

    1901 penny

    yea, good point... So are you going to bid on it MJMD?
  9. Let's stop this now!
  10. yes, me too and Victoria is my faveourite queen... Victoria is my favourite queen as well! The Victorian young head is my all time fave effigy, closley followed my the gothic florin effigy, then it's the jubilee head...
  11. We posted at the same time there as well!
  12. Damn, you got there before me MJMD!
  13. Well, they both have a lower mintage than the other ones. The mintage for the 1946 is 620,734, and the mintage for the 1949 is 464,000. These are worth more and are rarer, because the mintages of the other brass threepences are in the millions - they are much higher! In Coin Yearbook, the value of the 1946 is £225 in UNC, and the 1949 is worth £250 in UNC What book did you get the value £100 from btw?
  14. I prefer the Young Head, I reckon it's the best out of all the Victorian effigies...
  15. william

    1901 penny

    Doesn't look bad, I would bid if I was you...
  16. Yeah.... Penny Master, have you switched from Copper Victorian pennies to halfpennies?
  17. I think that coin is even pushing it for fair, looks almost poor...
  18. william


    Tut tut Oli, you forgot your question mark after Tony Blair 50p, now that is a true crime!
  19. william

    1901 penny

    Are you allowed to go in during your lunch break! We're only allowed to when we have lessons in there!
  20. hehe, it is anoying... And it's so ugly!!!!!
  21. william

    1901 penny

    I have it on Tuesday, but if we do go on the internet anyway (it's slightly different cos we have the SATS) I could look for you if you want..
  22. william

    1901 penny

    Do you have ICT today, if you do, you could sneek onto the internet and onto Ebay!
  23. That doesn't really matter. You don't have to get all of them you know...