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Everything posted by william

  1. william

    Layout and design

    Your ideas are very good Custard!
  2. william

    1901 penny

    Hehehe and he doesn't even know that it is low tide
  3. horible...discusting if you ask me, i think it was a good job he abdocated... I think the British one's the ugliest to be honest... Oh and I'm totally fed up with seeing this horrible pic all over the place: Aren't you?
  4. His big thing is Edward VIII memorabilia, although I don't know if he as any genuine British coins. He certainly plugs the retropatterns. I wonder what he sees in those things. I thing they're horrible personally... Yep, a whole list of pattern Edward VIII crowns, just as we expected...
  5. william


    Yep, I agree, for early milled collectors, it would be very helpful to publish a special reference guide for them! Do you think we should make a seperate book for that, or include it in the main Collectors' coins?
  6. william


    Really, where?
  7. william

    1901 penny

    I know, he's copied your idea of having numbered stages... <_<
  8. william


  9. william


    Wow, so it hasn't been updated since 1981, before I was born! and i think that that is the way that chris will probably want to keep it... Yep, that's what it deserves if it was so unworthy of being worked on these passed 23 years!
  10. william


    Wow, so it hasn't been updated since 1981, before I was born!
  11. william


    I also keep Chris' stamps!
  12. william


    Thought not. I also have a few, but do not know much about them at all
  13. william

    Signature problems!

    Isn't he thoughtful? Don't worry, it's happened to me before wih that
  14. They're all highly educated music librarians, so they wouldn't dream of murdering the language like that Us musicians don't do anything nasty like that do we Geoff?
  15. william


    What are we going to do about that one, does anyone on here collect stamps?
  16. william


    Keep it down where the guests can see Geoff! They still don't know about it I think...
  17. Have any of them used any language like that?
  18. william

    1901 penny

    as you may have read, i have been colecting for about 6 months now, and my penny collection started about 3 - 4 months ago... So you've done extremely well to get as far as you have....
  19. william

    1901 penny

    yep, i have worked out that i am 11% through stage 1, 2% through stage 2, 4% through stage 3, and 0% through stage 4... these are the stages: Stage 1 = 1900 - 1967 Stage 2 = Victoria Bronze (1860 - 1899) Stage 3 = Victoria Copper (1839 - 1860/59) Stage 4 = 1797 (George III) - 1837 (William IV) How long have you been working on them MJMD?
  20. I don't think it's a typo, cos it says £999.00 It might have been a typo if it had said just £999, but sadly, I think this is serious
  21. william

    1901 penny

    because i do not like the silver pennies as much as copper/bronze...after/if i manage to get all of the availible pennies between 1797 - 1967 in EF - BU condition then i will probably start half pennies... That will take a long time to do!
  22. william


    Ok, basically, Chris has bought the publishing company, Rotographic, as the original owners don't want to do it anymore. Rotographic publish the books Collectors' Coins, Collectors' coins Ireland and Collectors Roman Coins (I think that's all, are there anymore Chris?). What he wants to do is to change the design of the book, and update the values. He wants us to help with researching the values for the 2006 edition, after the 2005 one has come out, which will be written by the original writer, but then editied by Chris. After that, they're going to be written by Chris with some of our help researching the prices. He has also started a new Rotographic website
  23. william

    1901 penny

    copper and bronze (1797 - 1970) Why start at 1797?
  24. Does he collect coins? OMG, look at this: http://www.coincraft.com/british/bronze/712proll.html Why would anyone want a roll of unc 1971 2ps? Plus, what's the price? It says £18.50 in the description and £12.50 at the bottom!