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predecimal.comPredecimal.com. One of the most popular websites on British pre-decimal coins, with hundreds of coins for sale, advice for beginners and interesting information.


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Everything posted by william

  1. william

    Read this first if new here.

    Would we help with this every year?
  2. Yeah, Colin Cooke only does it for the high grade ones
  3. william

    Read this first if new here.

    Spink prices are quite high compared to other books...
  4. Yeah, I'm starting them tomorrow, with two science papers
  5. Yes, he does, I particularly like the fact that most of his coins have pictures...
  6. 48 hours of community service, a 1954 penny, and £8000, but...
  7. william

    Read this first if new here.

    No, I'm not, I am going to use predecimal.com and ebay if I can be bothered, but I will search for more...
  8. I just avoid Coincraft completely...
  9. william

    Read this first if new here.

    I think I'll start now, I have a lot to look at on Colin Cookes site...
  10. william

    Read this first if new here.

    FANTASTIC CHRIS, WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could help out with Victorian coins, minus the gold ones of course. I will have a look at some of the prices in my books and I will moniter Colin Cookes site, when do we start?
  11. Chris, lock this topic, HM Emperor Oli declares it closed!
  12. But they must mention the reverse somewhere?
  13. I only found older ones on ebay, no decimal stuff there...
  14. Shall we just go along with Spink and these other sites..?
  15. Oh shat up you spoil sport! No i didn't, this is the sequal to Word Association... Why would anyone go crazy over their post count anyway? worked hard on earning extra money to get them all in BU, and
  16. Well, I don't know about converting, but I wouldn't mind collecting them as well as my milled Victorian stuff! Btw, what was it that you put in the newsletter? Edit: typo
  17. I also recieved mine today!
  18. william


    How long have you had coins in there, if it's for a long time and they're not slimy or green, they should be fine! I don't know if they still make them...
  19. It doeswn't matter that it isn't his specialised area, if he wants one that's fine! I don't know where you can get one, I couldn't find any on ebay
  20. I also prefer that one to your other one up there! Well, at £500 and £550, they're much too expensive for me!
  21. william

    Our personal forum profiles...

    It would have to be size about 1 for an essay!