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Everything posted by william

  1. ...after all, this is a 'what if' thread!
  2. This is nitpicking, is it not? Oh, and own up, what was it that made you think I didn't understand something?
  3. william

    Going to Euro...

    So do I, plus the Euros are ugly!
  4. I didn't say I didn't understand anything, what the heck gave you that idea? If it was this: then what I meant by that, was that you (ahem!) were being a nitpick!
  5. I hope you do like it! I just hope that none of my coins ever get lost in the post, especially this one, I'm desperate for it to arrive...
  6. william

    Going to Euro...

    Do you think we will ever join the euro?
  7. Yes, my third farthing might be sold for millions in the future, cos it graced the William cabinet (still hasn't come yet Chris, maybe tomorrow...). Have you ever heard of the Marshall collection that Spink are selling, Mashall is my surname!
  8. Dream on... Well, so would I, but I meant if I had two coins of the same grade I would rather have one with a pedigree (tried a new approach with this quoting thing)...
  9. Test 3 (I'm giving up after this one)
  10. you just press the quote button, and copy the quote, then click the back button and quote a seccond post, then paste the copied quote in the same post... Hasn't worked... Test 2
  11. I don't know if this is going to work... (sorry Penny Master, I just picked a random post!)
  12. william

    american coins

    Have you taken coin valuation down? Why did you do that?
  13. I would love a halfpenny that has graced the Nichols cabinet! Kuhli, how do you put two qoutes into your posts like that?
  14. I have found some of them in circulation, but only rarely the NHS one. I find that the public libraries one is quite easy to find in circulation. Do you have that one?
  15. Oh well, Chris got here just before me!
  16. Ok, if you look at the top of the trident where the prongs are, the ornamental one looks thicker and more, well more ornamental tham the plain trident! Can you see it, look where the arrow is?
  17. william

    american coins

    Well, isn't that nice? Chris is a very nice bloke, and he started this forum so that people could actually use it as a forum, not tell us to email you, what do you think this place is mate? Secondly, you are the one being rude, not Chris, if he starts a forum it should be used properly! Chris answered your question, so maybe you could thank him for it, rather than swearing at him! My advice to you is get a life and a sense of humour, and stop being such a sensitive arse!
  18. Oh yes, they come near the top of my list too
  19. If you were a millionaire -> If you had the power to do such things -> Not real life!