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Everything posted by william

  1. What about the Royal Mint museum, that would be worth robbing!
  2. I don't collect hammered, but I do like that one!
  3. william


    ...and totally unlike Richard Lobel - Ugly scrap merchant (again!) Yes, we have seen pics of BOTH his cars ...and we have now seen pics of the man himself!
  4. Could we move this topic to another forum, I think guests might want to see this too?
  5. my 1955 is beaded on both sides, and oli has said that there are no other varieties of QEII farthings... Your 1953 is beaded as well, I'm just saying that it doesn't sound rare, as it looks identical to my 1955
  6. It has both dates on it?! Is it from Puerto Rico, or somwhere else? It sounds a bit like a medal, or something unofficial...
  7. My favourite is the Normal (not commorative) £2 coin, I just love the design!
  8. That would get you the 1954 penny MJMD!
  9. william

    Going to Euro...

    No, never, because I also prefer British coinage from the Euro, plus I like the Machin stuff, and I don't want that to go from circulation, and if we did change to Euros, I wouldn't want to wait thirty years for them to get as old as British coins in circulation are at the moment!
  10. I found a story of it here, very interesting: http://www.coinresource.com/pr_mint/Double...leEagle1933.htm I also found some nice pics of it: Beautiful coin...
  11. I think he only comes on here certain days of the week, don't know why (??)
  12. The only prob is that black dirt on it...
  13. I don't think Master JMDs one is a rarity, my 1955 one looks just the same...
  14. Looks beaded to me, but I can't make it out very well. I am comparing it to my 1955 farthing, and the borders are both beaded on mine!
  15. I like Edward VII coins, especially the florins and halfcrowns, beautiful coins. Do you have any Edward VIII?!
  16. Does your entire family collect coins Edward?
  17. Do you know where I can find the story of this coin?
  18. william


    A diameter may help please... What is a coronet half cent??
  19. My oldest US coin is that 1853 dime!
  20. oops, i meant; toothed on the reverse, beaded on the obverse... Are you absolutely sure that it is toothed on the recerse and beaded on the obverse, have another look at those pics I posted...
  21. Lustre is the original shine on a coin, which you mostly get when coins are new. If the coin starts to tone, it loses it's lustre and will never be able to get it back again. There's a helpful topic about it here
  22. ...and this a toothed border:
  23. Master JMD, This is a beaded border:
  24. Let's call it VF for good measures! You could attach a scan MJMD... Btw, what is your real name?