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Everything posted by william

  1. william

    Celebrity Coins!

    Cool! Tell us when it's on TV. Oh and get Blue Peter badges for everyone!
  2. 1) Two Kroner from Denmark. 2) Four doubles from Guernsey 3) One farthing from George V, worth around a tenner in top condition. Don't know about value or rairty for the first two as I have no reference guide for foreign coins....
  3. william


    Oh yeah, regarding CCGB2006, it says in the 2005 one that minor varieties of the 1881H farthing exist, and there will be a full listing in the 2006 edition. Can anyone tell me what they are (before 2006 )?
  4. william

    2005 Sovereigns

    I would be ashamed to be seen wearing that!
  5. william

    Typo or issue

    Yeah, it says here that it's 2002.... http://www.tclayton.demon.co.uk/deccr.html
  6. william

    2005 Sovereigns

    That's a disgusting coin... imagine what the new coins will be like in 2500... what will be modern then?!
  7. william


    Well done, great bargain!
  8. ^^...and you were the person who banned spamming Oli!
  9. I'd really like to go, but I can't...
  10. william

    Blank half penny

    Wow! That could've happened. Mine's half thickness, but there's no engraving on the reverse
  11. william

    Blank half penny

    My farthings got scratches on the blank reverse too, but it does have a few on the obverse as well. By the way Jmd, i think you mean obverse...
  12. william

    New Beginnings

    Lovely coins there Millimoo
  13. william

    Blank half penny

    Strange, I've got a George VI farthing just like that...
  14. william

    Christmas & New Year.

    Hope you all had a great Christrmas and enjoy the New Year
  15. william

    Recent Purchases

    Great coin Dave! By the way Chris I see what you mean....
  16. william

    Coin Shows

    I've never been to any! There are never any near enough to where I live, and I can't persuade my Dad to take me...
  17. william

    New Beginnings

    My favourite's the Edward I penny
  18. Thanks Chris, i'll try and get some money from somewhere, it may take a while though. *looks down the back of the sofa* Oh well, it was worth a try...
  19. william

    Right, I need a favour!

    If you search google, several online book shops appear. I don't know how many customers they get though...
  20. william

    My plans....

    Yeah, i'm aiming to do the same. Fill some gaps with affordable high grade coins!
  21. I like the 1896 one. (the only one i'll ever have a chance of ever being able to afford!)
  22. william

    Right, I need a favour!

    Have you tried any major online dealers Chris?
  23. william


  24. william

    New Beginnings

    Hi Millimoo. Welcome to the forum, although i don't know a thing about ancient coins. My £ collections going well btw, i've got all the types, just waiting for ones in better conditions...
  25. william


    Hi guys! Ok... I've been really busy with school lately, and we've had serious computer problems, but it's just about fixed now, and as you can see I am still not in a ditch!! I get a load of homework each day, especially when we have biology and geography!! (evil teachers... ) So i'll be able to come on more regularly now that the first and longest term is over, and the teachers don't give as much homework. I got more homework in my first week than in any other week of school! Glad to be back...