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Everything posted by william

  1. I don't mind Liberty seated dimes...
  2. Same here, I think I prefer milled stuff
  3. I have had some coins since 5 years ago, but started collecting about three years ago, and only decided to specialise about 8 months ago.
  4. I thought you meant the queens jewellery lol!
  5. How much did he sell it for?
  6. That halfpenny sounds like it's fine or below. That penny is worth £5 in fine condition, it sounds pretty low grade again. Values: The 1918 is worth £3 in VF, the 1929 is worth £2 in VF, and the 1937 is worth £3 in UNC The 1920 won't be worth much, £2 in VF, and the 1928 is worth £2 in VF, £8 in EF, and £25 in UNC. You haven't given us grades for these though, so we can't value them properly. Hope this helps, William.
  7. I have a few American coins but do not collect them, the ones I have were given to me
  8. william

    Weird foreign coins

    Ok, thanks for that
  9. Hi all, I have a selection of coins dated from 1874 - 1905. There are four of them altogether. One of them says 1 ore on the reverse, one of them says 2 ore on the reverse, and two of them say 10 ore on the reverse. On the obverse of them all, the legend reads 'BRODRAFOLKENS VAL', and below that is a strange crowned box with a 'II' in it. The one ore and two ore are bronze, and the 2x ten ores are silver. Can anybody tell me what country these coins are from? Thanks, William
  10. I would by all Victorian coins in UNC, even the proofs and extremely rares of course!
  11. I couldn't tell it's a proof! How was I meant to know the date on it?
  12. The Victorian one doesn't look too expensive... I have a Victrian darkened farthing, my best farthing too, it's 1901, and it's UNC!
  13. Out of all the farthings in your sig, the silver one is my favurite too! Do you own those farthings?
  14. Well, it will certainly be an impressive acheivement when you've finished! My favourite farthings are those Victorian/Edward VII/George V dark farthings, what about you?
  15. Great idea, who has a scanner available that works? I only have a digital camerea, but it takes pretty good pics of coins!
  16. Why do you call them 'stage one'?
  17. Lets ask Chris if we can start a new forum devoted entirely to grading, I think it's a great idea, how about you?
  18. How could we resist?
  19. We could have a coin grading competition like on Coinpeople where people show pics of their coins and everybody votes on how they grade it. Here it is!
  20. ...and now he has nicked that emoticon in my sig, don't blame you though, it is a good one. The whole website of them is here if you're really that interested!
  21. So do I, Britannia is meant to be facing left Edward!
  22. Hi everyone, How do you make a signature bold, underlined, italic etc. etc. I tried to make part of mine bold and italic, but all i got was this. vvvvv Can anybody help? Thanks
  23. william


    I'll give you the HTML in my sig if that helps: <img src="http://emoticons4u.informationalot.com/cool/049.gif"></img><font color="Black"><font face="Westminster" size="6"><b><i>Will...</font></color</b></i><bR><img src="http://emoticons4u.informationalot.com/cartoon/1244.gif"></img><font color="Blue"><font face="Arial Unicode MS" size="3">Meet my band...</font></color><bR><img src="http://emoticons4u.informationalot.com/cool/cool19.gif"></img><img src="http://emoticons4u.informationalot.com/cool/269.gif"></img><img src="http://emoticons4u.informationalot.com/cool/271.gif"></img><img src="http://emoticons4u.informationalot.com/cool/270.gif"></img><img src="http://emoticons4u.informationalot.com/cool/487.gif"></img></p>