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Everything posted by william

  1. william


    Yes that pic of Peter Morris is awful. Just have a look at Richard Lobel from Coincraft! Ugly srap merchant Horrible isn't it. Maybe you could email us a pic of yourself Chris, or send one with our next purchase?
  2. After Maser JMD started our new rules, I thought it would be fun to see what we've broken: No Swearing - there are younger coin collectors that post in the forum. - definitely! No Spamming - because its just plain annoying. - definitely: No Rude pictures/avatars - Same reason as swearing. - no No rasist pictures/comments - I am sure that you understand why. - no No nastyness towards other forum users - a joke once in a while is ok, and if you know someone who is constantly doing this then report them to an admin. - don't think so. Haven't we been good for Master JMD!
  3. Anyone else want to own up?
  4. william

    modern coins

    I'm right, admit it!! Edit: typo
  5. william

    How was the Radio show?

    Cool, was it easy?
  6. william

    modern coins

    You're wrong, read this: http://www.predecimal.com/newpence.htm
  7. william

    modern coins

    Well I only know of two. That 1983 penny with the New Pence legend that caused a massive rumour, but you are unlikely to find any of them in your change!! Also, the 1985 £1 is pretty scarce, lowest mintage by a long way...
  8. william

    How was the Radio show?

    And I'm the youngest at 11!
  9. william


    That's a good idea!
  10. william

    Question about German coins.

    You're nitpicking again Oli... I am a boy, but you also mentioned small people, by that I assumed you meant children about my age, no? You also mentioned children of course, and being 15 you are still a child....
  11. william

    Pocket pieces...

    Yes!! I think I will start using a pocket piece, it shall be an 1858 two Konekh from Russia!
  12. william


    I don't mind showing him a pic of me...
  13. william

    Do you have an extremely rare coin?

    I think the ones I listed above are Very Rares...
  14. william

    Pocket pieces...

    Oh right. I have a couple of candidates up for my pocket piece: 1853 dime Low grade gothic florin Indian half anna A set of a few old French coins
  15. william


    Why don't you want your face up here anyway Chris? C'mon, we all said that we wanted to see it!
  16. william

    Question about German coins.

    Watch your step Oli, I am 11!
  17. william

    Do you have an extremely rare coin?

    I thought you said in another thread that you did have an extremely rare coin Sylvester, no? The rarest coins I have are a threehalfpence with the date 1843/34 and a Gibraltar two quarts coin with the date 1842/1. They are both fairly rare, but I do not have an extremely rare coin though...
  18. william

    Pocket pieces...

    Why do you carry around a pocket piece anyway? I don't carry one around with me, but if you tell me the point of it I might start... If I was to start, I know just the coin...
  19. william


    That's the guy who owns the bike!
  20. If you are keeing your pennies in a box, then if one coin has verdigris it will spread to all the coins because they are touching. Store them seperately if you do not want it to continue spreading!
  21. william


    Yes, I agree Oli, I voted for yes! Chris should reveal himself to us, cos I also keep picturing him like his avatar and am getting sick of it!!
  22. william

    How was the Radio show?

    Yeah, why don't you show us an image of yourself Chris. Pretty please!