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Everything posted by william

  1. I believe Geoff has held that half crown! I can't see why he would refuse an offer for £8500...
  2. I assume that means no?
  3. william

    How was the Radio show?

    Love the car Chris! Who's this John guy?
  4. william

    Bandwidth and picture usage.

    I'm not allowed to either!
  5. william

    New 2 Pence

    That's a bit of a rip off!
  6. william

    1926 florin

    I think Master JMD has been the one braking the most rules hasn't he?
  7. I don't have a scanner either, I use a good quality camera, and it does work pretty well, here are some images I have taken with this camera: Ten Shillings Chinese coin 20 Heller Sixpence Half crown Yes Chris, I have used links!!
  8. william

    Bandwidth and picture usage.

    Should I take the pics out of my sig?
  9. No wonder it doesn't have any bids!
  10. From looking that up I think it just might me an unrecorded edge! Love that motorbike Chris!
  11. Hmmm, either it's your camera or the coin, but where is the lustre on that?
  12. william

    New 2 Pence

    So do I, they look great, but my fave type of toning is blue toning!
  13. william

    'Todays Top Ten Posters'

    Don't forget he likes debating...
  14. I have recently noticed strange things happening to the Todays Top Ten Posters list! Yesterday i logged in, and before logging out i checked the list, It said i had done 24 posts that day. Then i came on here and posted in the evening, and it said i had done 14 posts when i checked. Can anyone explain this?!
  15. william

    New 2 Pence

    To be honest I don't remember - I know nothing about American coins!
  16. william

    New 2 Pence

    And look at this one: Beautiful, aren't they?
  17. william

    New 2 Pence

    I just found some really nice blue toned coins on the net:
  18. ...H reffering to Ralph Heaton and sons mint in Birmingham, KN reffering to the Kings Norton Metal company!
  19. How many of them are UNC?
  20. william

    1926 florin

    Just what I said!
  21. william

    New 2 Pence

    Yes, that does look nice, but I do like toning as well. Sylvester, do you like that bluish toning you sometimes get on silver coins? William
  22. william

    New 2 Pence

    I don't mind a little bit of colour, I have a really nice VF 1889 crown with beautiful prooflike coloured toning, and it looks GREAT! I also like the ones I posted above, but I hate things like this:
  23. william

    New 2 Pence

    Yes, I would grade in the British way, and then convert it! Yep, I like those two that I posted above!
  24. william

    New 2 Pence

    Now this is the kind of toning that I love: and... this!!
  25. william

    New 2 Pence

    I understand now. Is that slabbing Sylvester? Yes I also love rainbow toning - it looks great on the most beautiful coins like gothic/godless florins, and gothic crowns!