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Everything posted by william

  1. Are you Craig? What's this Cecil guy like then, he sounds like a self centered snob
  2. Is anyone else on here a trainspotter?
  3. I would enter it in the Ugly Coin Competition on Coinpeople!
  4. william

    'Todays Top Ten Posters'

    I am right handed. What is short hand?
  5. Now that's an achievement!
  6. I think I have to agree with Oli on this one, that hair does look a little dodgy. I would now grade it AUNC/UNC
  7. At least we know how to use this forum which is much more than you worthless small minded teenagers can do (and I don't mean Emperor Oli, Penny Master, Sylvester or Master JMD!)!! This is what you are trying to do: HAHA U BUNCH OF SADDOS U R COIN SPOTTERS, GD ON WHOEVA DUN THAT POST, SPENDIN COINS IS BETTA THAN COLLECTIN THEM U BUNCH OF PIKES!! I BET U GET THRILLS OUT OF TOSSIN COINS! LOL!!! NO I AM NOT A TRAINSPOTTER!!! William
  8. It's not worth £100 anyway...
  9. william

    'Todays Top Ten Posters'

    I can type fast but can't touch type either. I tried to learn how, but got bored of it as it took ages and it was not very enjoyable at all!
  10. william

    'Todays Top Ten Posters'

    Can you touch type Penny Master, or is it just HRH Emperor Oli?
  11. william

    'Todays Top Ten Posters'

    I assume people who can touch type do prefer typing cos they're so fast, no?
  12. You don't mean predecImal.com by any chance do you? How do you know he will put it on this site though anyway?!
  13. Three people had bidded on it too! Do they not realise that it was just like a Coincraft sale and that it should be avoided?!
  14. william

    T Blair

    Did Margaret Thatcher do anything good for us?!
  15. william

    'Todays Top Ten Posters'

    I am faster at writing too, but I'm beginning to prefer typing cos writing hurts my hand a bit
  16. Well ,I think the Spink prices are pretty high compared to other reference books. For example Coin Yearbook 2004 value it at £100 in UNC, British Coin Market Valus 2004 value it at £80 in UNC, and Spink 2003 value it at £100, you see what I mean?
  17. Yep, those low tide varieties ain't common!
  18. william

    'Todays Top Ten Posters'

    I have just replied to it! PS: I also do my research really quickly so that I can come on here!
  19. Well, I'm no expert at this sort of thing, but I would say it's worth it if it stays below about £90.
  20. william

    'Todays Top Ten Posters'

    Do you get permission? I do it when we're aloud to use the internet for research so no one will notice I'm on the internet when I shouldn't be!
  21. william

    'Todays Top Ten Posters'

    How many have you done so far?
  22. william

    'Todays Top Ten Posters'

    My favourite lessons are history and music, because I find history very interesting, and because I am good at music, although the music lessons I have at school are very basic. I don't mind ICT to be honest (William prepares to be banned from the forum...)!!??!! It isn't the best lesson, but at least it means I get to type rather than write, plus I often have time to go on the internet once I've finished my work, because I'm much faster at typing than anybody else in my class!
  23. I thought by that he meant the BBC website, not the predecimal.com website?!