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Everything posted by william

  1. But it doesn't say anything about him putting it on the site on there!
  2. william

    T Blair

    I thought Japan because of all their advanced technology, but I didn't know anything about their military forces so I kept my mouth shut!!
  3. william

    T Blair

    What do you suppose will be after China then?
  4. william

    T Blair

    Do you think Japan will ever make it soon?
  5. william

    T Blair

    Really! That long?!
  6. Hehehe, I bet he'll be shocked when he sees his last post!
  7. william

    T Blair

    China will certainly be a nice change from America, I think!
  8. So will I, but I'm too far north to pick it up anyway!
  9. Has he been coming on here lately?
  10. Hehehe look at Anon's above post, Chris has edited it, triumph!!
  11. What's the difference between MSN hotmail and MSN messenger?
  12. william

    Milled coin site

    It looks a bit better than Coincraft because: It sells stuff that people might actually want It isn't as overpriced as Coincraft, but still much too expensive!
  13. I think he might be, it says on the home page that he will be doing the radio broadcast on the 23rd April, which is tommorow
  14. I can't contact him anyway because I don't have MSN, is it worth getting?
  15. People like this think they're so tough just cos there in groups with stupid names like the Hackney Crew, lol! Oli, why don't you give Chris this guys MSN address so that he can give him a nice Beating for breaking Master JMDs rule of Thou shalt not spam! Where is Master JMD btw, he seems to have left or something
  16. He doesn't even seem to have a brain! I hope he sees this...
  17. It is possible for Chris to ban people from using this forum, lets hope he bans this idiot! Let me post a threat to your friend Penny Master, I received an email from Chris telling me all about this forum and this was part of it:
  18. william

    T Blair

    I think we need to start the reign of the Conservatives, but don't forget that now everyone is fed up with Tony Blair, the same has hapened with the Conservatives! Do you think LaBORE will lose the next election?
  19. Hehehe, but the improved 'most days' also means that the Omniproverb Corporation's famous enemies can be sued if people learn something new everyday rather than most days...
  20. It's meant to be everyday isn't it, but I don't think that's true, most days is better...