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Everything posted by william

  1. william


    PS (this extra post is because the edit button's not working! ): I don't grade post - 1952 coins EF just because they have lustre, for the same reason as Oli, but why does it have to be 1952?
  2. william


    The start of Queen Elizabeth's reign?
  3. william

    Word association

    They do, it was on over Easter! My word is war.
  4. william

    Dictionary additions.

    Love the dictionary Chris!! Here are my suggestions: Legal tender - Currency notes or coins that are legal to spend. Predecimal - The currency used in Britain before decimalisation in 1971 Variety - Diffrerent types of similar coins Young head - The first effigy of Queen Victoria, used on all copper coinage, threepences, groats, sixpences and shillings, half crowns and some crowns before 1860. Bun head - One of Victorias effigys, used on copper coinage between 1860 and 1895. Jubilee head - The effigy of Queen Victoria used on the silver coinage between 1887 - 1893 Old/Veiled/Widow head - The last effigy of Queen Victoria, used on the silver coinage between 1893 - her death in 1901, and used on the bronze coinage between 1895 and 1901.
  5. william


    Mine looks horrible now, can anyone tell me what you have to do with them to make them work?!
  6. That's three years of doing it?! You should have got lots more, I reckon. Here's what I have at the moment in my wallet (not that I collect them!): NO TWO PENCE COINS!!! 1 pence pieces: 1971 x 3 1973 x 1 1979 x 1 1980 x 1 1984 x 1 I don't have many either!! And that's from a few weeks ago
  7. I will buy some of those gloves soon...
  8. william


    My signature's still not working!
  9. william

    Farthing enquiry

    I love darkened farthings, much nicer than the bright ones. I have a 1901 UNC one, that i'm very proud of!
  10. william

    site for buying coins

    Aha, I've found it now. Æ!
  11. I didn't know you had some of them (goes off to have a look at the accessory shop...)! Where are they, I can't seem to find them, can you give me the URL?
  12. william

    Far Eastern coin

    How strange, it dosn't look like it's been made with a mould!
  13. william

    site for buying coins

    How on earth did you create that?! Oli's just too kind!
  14. william

    Edward VIII

    How about this... "I watched the film but I didn't like it"
  15. Practically everything to do with weddings is expensive...
  16. william

    Far Eastern coin

    Yeah, I didn't know a thing about Chinese coins until I started this thread, and now I know a lot!
  17. I'm considering buying some of them, do you know where to get them, I would be very interested...
  18. william

    Edward VIII

    I don't think even your Nan would buy something that bad.
  19. I also hold mine between my finger and thumb, but only round the edges . I hold them over a padded case incase I drop them.
  20. I have a strange coin with a twenty on it. The date is 1894. On the obverse there is a coat of arms that I don't recognise. What country is this from? How much is it worth? Picture below vvvvv
  21. william

    Edward VIII

    Yes, the people I sit next to in IT are pathetic typers. Some do it with one finger, some use both, but whatever they do, it's always as slow as Hell, I get desperate watching them try to find the key they are looking for! PS: I do type with two hands