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Everything posted by william

  1. william

    Reproduction Coins

    I know there's a special dealer who makes them, can't remeber his name, but i know he advertises in Coin News.
  2. william

    Reproduction Coins

    Some people like them if the original is unafordable or extremely rare. I think some people collect them...
  3. william

    The Cover is done

    I really like that Chris. Well done!
  4. william

    THAT penny

    Wow, thats a REALLY nice coin. And i don't collect hammered coins. I've been thinking about it actually, but it's expensive for me at the moment...
  5. If the condition is as you say it is, then it will be worth a lot more than £26, but i dont have a coin valuation book at the moment so i can't tell you how much it is worth... EDIT: Damn, Chris got here one minute before me!!
  6. william

    Coin Storage

    It would be very nice to keep these as they are, but if you want to keep them in a really nice condition, i would try an acid free system just in case. However, if you are more concerned about keeping them the way they were issued from the mint, i would leave them in the original cases. It's entirely up to you really.
  7. william


    Lol, thanks. But i think the virus on my computer is just about fixed, so i can come on at home more now and don't have to rely on the school computers anymore.
  8. Hello everybody. Firstly, sorry I haven't been on lately, my computer has a virus, and i'm on a computer at my school right now. I won't be able to come on much until my computer is fixed, so i will try and go on at school as much as possible. Sorry. But i will try and be on most days.
  9. william


    Gotta go, hopefully come on tomorrow, bye!
  10. william

    BBC 3CR Coin Phone in.

    My school starts at 8:35, and finishes at 3:35
  11. william

    Quiet... too quiet.

    Well, hello everybody, and no i'm, not William's dad reporting his death, i am actually here and still alive, even though my internet is currently dead!! So, yeah, im on a computer at my school at the moment, and i will try and come on as much as possible at school, but i am glad to be back BTW, i have got quite a lot of homework lately even though i am in year 7 and all. I'll see you in college sometime Geoff
  12. william

    Ten Shilling banknote

    Does anyone collect banknotes(i don't!! ) I have a George V banknote which i can't identify. At the top it reads Just underneath that, it says but someone seems to have on top of that in (what i think is) Arabic. Under that, in the centre of the note, in very large lettering is Underneath that it reads Over that is more Arabic! Underneath that on the left is written (in extremely large writing) 10/-. Next to that it reads Y22, and then it says Next to that number it reads and underneath that, On the other side, someone has written Can anybody identify this note, or even value it?! Thanks, William.
  13. william

    I want one of these

    That looks like a really nice coin. Are you going to bid?
  14. william

    Whats your oldest coin book?

    My oldest one's 2002!! LOL!
  15. william

    Changing Fonts In Posts

    The code for that would be..... [SIZE=7][FONT=Courier]Beginners Area: Coin Grading[/FONT][/SIZE] And that should become Beginners Area: Coin Grading
  16. william


    Yes, I suppose you are extremely busy! Especially at the moment with Rotographic. And thats on top of all the usual queries, selling coins, buying coins, replying to things on the forum, updating the site. And during all that, he's got to fly to England every so often for his radio show. And he does it well too. Not very easy....
  17. The bit at the top looks much better
  18. I really like that JMD. Maybe you could have "2005" a little more to the left, with "edition" after it? Also, underneath the caption at the top, maybe you could put on www.rotographic.co.uk??
  19. william

    Aussie Aaron

    You can post the photo by clicking on the browse box underneath the smileys
  20. william

    Coin Photographs/Scans

    I dont have an ebay ID, but i might buy from it if I got one. I do sometimes by coins from online dealers without photos. I do however rely on photos quite a bit, but i will occasionally buy without them.
  21. Rught, this sounds quite interesting. Are you sure it hasnt just been badly worn? Can you see any trace of the design? What does the writing on the edge say by the way?
  22. william

    Aussie Aaron

    We will need an idea of condition ( though I assume it's not that good cos you dug it up), and what country it's from as well. Also if it's covered in mud or dirt you can wash it lightly in some warm water, if not, leave it.
  23. william

    Finally got the Phoenix!

    Sorry to double post, but i just had to quote this paragraph from a Pheonix advert!! Coincraft is a family firm that has been in coins and banknotes for the past 49 years. Many of the items we offer are at large discounts to their original issue prices.[lol] Each issue contains 24 pages of rare[lol] coins, world coins, banknotes, ancient coins and antiquities. edit: Ok maybe i didnt double post afterall!!