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predecimal.comPredecimal.com. One of the most popular websites on British pre-decimal coins, with hundreds of coins for sale, advice for beginners and interesting information.


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Everything posted by william

  1. Chris 'the Devil' Perkins Chris 'atan' Possesed Perkins
  2. william

    Edward VIII

    You can touch type? I can't, but I am pretty fast already without touch typing so I don't really need to...
  3. We are in the Nothing Whatsoever to do withCoins Area Chris...
  4. william

    Edward VIII

    How fast?
  5. You could charge quite a lot extra on Bank Holidays too!
  6. Now how much would Chris charge for that?
  7. Wow, some of these are really spooky!
  8. william

    Edward VIII

    Ok then, you are good at grammar, your just rubbish at typing!
  9. william

    Edward VIII

    Agreed, but they do sell rubbish Ugh, they're hideous, and terribly over priced, lol! How many people would buy that, and why would they buy it?!
  10. william

    Edward VIII

    Hahaha, now this is a proper spelling error, much worse than mine. Correction: In the piece however, it says the two pieces of metal NEED to be lined up by hand. Signed, William, and his secret contact (you know who you are!)
  11. Does anybody have an explanation for this, maybe the star was lying when he said he only knew basic French etc.? That is creepy though, i must admit. Got anymore of those stories?^^
  12. william

    Edward VIII

    That sounds a bit dodgy, if that happened with our £2 coins then we would barely have any! Those pictures are good, aren't they: Westminster and Coincraft are definitely in the same league, at the bottom!
  13. william

    Edward VIII

    Wow, 10x more than coincraft. I thought it would be about 10x less!
  14. william

    Edward VIII

    Yes, I wonder if they ever had that coin, they probably nicked it from another site lol. That many visitors Chris?! That is impressive, I thought it would be about 5000 I wonder how many visitors you'll be getting in ten years time. You might even get more than Coincraft, or even (dare I say it!) Westminster or the Royal Mint!! Don't underestimate predecimal.com power, where else do you get this level of personal assistance and perhaps the fastest growing British coin site in the world? You stick by me chaps, and I will stick by you. Coming soon will be lots and lots more coins for you to drool at, and as I get more established and learn more about web design and new technologies, it can only get better in appearance and functionality.
  15. william


    Whoa, they have an ebay ID?! Look at the price of the first one on the list, lol. I can't believe they're trying to sell that 2003 edition for a tenner, can you? Why have they bothered to register on ebay anyway? They have their own site, I don't see why they should fall to that level!
  16. I didn't think of that, I don't want to be here when the world ends either! What if you believe you won't die?
  17. william

    Help needed

    Why is it nice to that do?
  18. william

    Help needed

    Arlihgt tehn, ingroe my aobve psot!
  19. william

    Help needed

    Yxs, txxt wxxxd be cxxxxxxxg, lxxs txy it! Gxxd lxxk exxxxxxe!
  20. william

    Edward VIII

    Well, good luck!
  21. william

    Edward VIII

    You could do I suppose, but what if you don't manage to spend the 50 quid?
  22. william

    I'm Not Best Pleased Right Now!

    I'm sure Chris didn't find it funny...
  23. william

    Edward VIII

    Collectors would just get annoyed with him if he did have tons of adverts like Coincraft.
  24. william

    Edward VIII

    I just hope Spink don't put any adverts in their catalogue! Btw Oli, Chris does have an advertisement in Coin News, and Coin Yearbook