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Everything posted by william

  1. william

    Help needed

    Why, I kdina lkie tihs, waht aobut eyevrnoe esle?
  2. william

    Edward VIII

    Yep, he's everywhere, have you seen how much he has in Coin News? He also has two advertisements in Coin Yearbook...
  3. william

    Help needed

    Yes, of cruose I do, srory aobut taht erevynoe!
  4. william

    Edward VIII

    I've never bought from him, and never will! The stuff he sells is just stuff which collectors don't want, maybe he should sell them to a junkyard...
  5. william

    Edward VIII

    Phew!!! That's a relief!
  6. william

    Help needed

    We culod satrt a new thaerd on tihs in the Ntohnig Wahstevoer to do wtih Cnios Aare, culond't we?
  7. william

    Edward VIII

    You haven't ever bought from Coincraft, have you?
  8. william

    Edward VIII

    Me neither!
  9. Ok, ignore that one then, I have corrected you with your grammar in another thread anyway!
  10. william


    I would purchase one from you Chris. Btw Oli, try putting a comma after the second 'you' in your above post...
  11. Aha! I have just spotted your first error Emperor Oli! Correction: Does anybody believe in reincarnation? I THINK IT'S a load of crap but then again I'm a very cynical person Hahahaha!
  12. I just realised...If we did start a thread on Churchill crowns, Chris (and Master JMD ) wouldn't allow it, because of all the bad language...
  13. william

    Help needed

    On the theme of spelling mistakes... Rserahcres at Cbmadigre Uinrevstiy say taht the hmuan mnid is albe to iednitfy msot agnamars frialy qcukily as lnog as the fsrit and lsat lterts saty the smae. OR Researchers at Cambridge University say that the human mind is able to identify most anagrams fairly quickly as long as the first and last letters stay the same.
  14. Maybe Oli will come back as his avator instead...
  15. william

    Help needed

    Correction: Our coins are alike, aren't they? hmm a person who's fussy about grammar, i'm going to have to pull you up too when you make a mistake, you will do, it's only a matter of time... (don't bother pulling mine up, you'll be here all day). Yep, Oli is a nitpick. You better watch out, Oli, because next time you make a mistake, I'll show you up, with Sylvesters help. After all, it will happen eventually...
  16. william


    Thanks, I'll try looking there next time
  17. william

    Far Eastern coin

    Well, I can't find an exact match of my one on that site, but this one is the closest there is:
  18. william


    Really?! I have never seen a copy of Spinks in a single bookshop, including WHSmiths and Waterstones.
  19. william


    What is this coin Master JMD? After looking in Spink, quite a lot of George VI proofs are rare and/or worth quite a lot.
  20. william


    Once again, thanks for helping me out
  21. william


    Hi I have a 1910 sixpence, but i don't know what country it's from. I am guessing somewhere down under cos of the kangaroo, but don't know for sure. Also, how many were made, and when was it that Australia changed to dollars? I don't need a value, it'll be worth fairly little. Picture attached! Thanks
  22. william


    I don't know exactly, but it might be on the Spink website, or you could ring Spink up: 020 7563 4066, or email them on info@spink.com. Hope this helps