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Everything posted by william

  1. william


    No. Proofs are special collectors pieces struck with dies that have been polished and have a mirror like finish to them. This is a proof coin. The picture isn't brilliant, but you can see that the fields are reflective. Proofs used to be trial strikes, for testing the dies but they aren't anymore.
  2. william


    He is desparately in need of Spink...
  3. william

    Help needed

    You're not alone Master JMD
  4. Yes, we do, that's why i started the fan club lol!
  5. william

    Help needed

    Are coins are alike, aren't they? Thanks for the info
  6. william


    Thank you Chris!
  7. You never know...maybe there is someone (or something!) out there who likes them lol!
  8. william

    Far Eastern coin

    As far as i can see, the other side is blank. I can't see any trace of lettering anything else. All it has is four Chinese letters, and a hole!!
  9. william

    Far Eastern coin

    Thanks for the info Chris and Master JMD Edit: typing error!
  10. william

    Far Eastern coin

    Great, so it is definately Chinese. Any chance of a rough date?
  11. william

    Far Eastern coin

    Did I mention the obverse is blank?
  12. Do you think we should start a Churchill Crown Fan Club on this forum, we could post all our nasty thoughts about them on there...lol
  13. It's a nice idea, but if it did happen, we wouldn't be around to see it (except Oli who'll have come back as a tree ). Also, we have enough problems on earth right now to be worrying about space
  14. william

    What are your best coins?

    I've just checked...Stephen was the only one
  15. I've only got two of the things, but that's bad enough!
  16. william

    Lucky People

    Trust me man, it was far from nice! Lol
  17. william


    Me too, is it possible to do things like this to your signature SUCCESFULLY?!
  18. william


    I have changed it now cos it looked so bad, but it didn't change the font to bold and italic, it just put the B and the I in brackets round the font!!
  19. william

    Lucky People

    Ouch!! When i was four i fell off a sofa, and broke my right arm. I had to wear a cast for eight weeks. Oh and last year i stubbed my toe on a plank of wood and that turned out to be broken! Wow, my luck really is rubbish Lol
  20. william

    What are your best coins?

    What's that then? I'm useless with hammered!
  21. william

    Edward VIII

    I shudder to think how much they would make in a Spinks auction... Gotta go
  22. william

    What are your best coins?

    Ooh yes, i can imagine you trying to choose between a Charles I sixpence and some hammered gold!!