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Everything posted by william

  1. Now why would anyone want them? Oh yeah, because they're all UNC lol!!
  2. william

    Digital Camera for coin pictures.

    Probably... I suppose Raoul's coins are already a bit scratched from being in the ground though...
  3. Did you go into Colin Cookes place Oli, and what did you buy?
  4. william

    Lucky People

    With my luck that's hardly surprising...
  5. william

    What are your best coins?

    I'm not very interested in hammered, but it's alright i guess. Have you got anything nice that's medieval then?
  6. william

    What are your best coins?

    That's a beauty, how much did you have to pay to get that?
  7. william

    The most detailed enquiry?

    Well then raise the price a couple of thousand then! Lol
  8. william

    What are your best coins?

    I think Victoria had a very interesting reign, which is why I collect her coins. William IV is nice, I like his coinage
  9. william

    Lucky People

    The guy who shares your birthday is Fenman. I know someone who was born on March the 15th also. My birthday is on the 4th of September, which isn't lucky at all, because my birthday is the day I normally go back to school after the summer holidays. Penny Master, I also have a scar on my forehead. When I was a toddler, I fell out the front door of my house and hit my head on a nice sharp stone! Hardly lucky...
  10. william

    What are your best coins?

    Do you like that Dr Nicholson cabinet of halfpennys he's got at the moment. I would long for one of them!
  11. Is your ebay name newmarket_lad Oli? You've won if it is...
  12. william

    How a metal detector can help your hobby

    I bet your proud of that medal (I would be). Detecting may be worth trying...
  13. There's a really nasty looking dipped sixpence on coinpeople (thanks to Sylvester! ): Ugly coin competition
  14. william

    Coin values

    Well my guess wasn't that far off after all... Gotta go
  15. william

    Coin values

    I reckon that as well. 10% in unc, and maybe about 5% in VF. I really have no idea at all but hey.
  16. william

    What are your best coins?

    Yep, not everyone has extremely good taste like we all do!
  17. Oli, For your information Oli, I didn't refer to that topic that we had a few weeks ago. All Master JMD did was ask, so I decided to tell him about it, that's what you would have done, I'm sure. William
  18. william

    What are your best coins?

    Nope. (PS Sorry I had to go earlier, I was using a computer at my local library, where I can use the internet for an hour a day, but I had 30 seconds left.)
  19. william

    What are your best coins?

    Year 6. I am also the oldest child in my school!