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Everything posted by william

  1. william

    Jersey £1 coin 1981

    For me they both sound silly!
  2. Is that your VF+ one which we've heard so much about?
  3. william

    What are your best coins?

    I love those Victorian pre 1860 pennies. I wish I had one in that sort of condition.
  4. Here is a proper cartwheel twopence
  5. Just look at the state of that dark patch on the reverse! Ewwww
  6. That coin is definately dodgy. Look at it: The edge looks funny, on the reverse, and the tone is all wrong. Compare it to the one on this site! Here is the reverse: And here is the obverse:
  7. That's right. If the obverse and the reverse of a coin are 180 degrees "out", that is called coin allignment. If the obverse and the reverse of a coin are both the same way round, it is called medal allignment. Therefore your cartwheel penny is in coin allignment.
  8. william

    What are your best coins?

    Hi Penny Master, I have a 1901 farthing in UNC, and a gold gilt 1900 farthing in GEF. I am very pleased with them. Oh yeah, and I have an 1844 half farthing in GEF+. They are my best if we are going by grade, but they are also my favourite coins, along with an 1843/34 threehalfpence, a gothic florin and an 1845 crown with a very low mintage.
  9. william

    Word association

    Lets get back on topic... What
  10. william

    Jersey £1 coin 1981

    Lol. Why not?
  11. william

    How a metal detector can help your hobby

    They are nice, you've tempted me to go metal detecting, but I can't think of anywhere to look for them. I live by the seaside, and have found one George VI brass threepence there, but it was covered in verdigris. I am assumuing that if I were to look for more coins there, they would look just the same - lots of verdigris. What sorts of places do you detect for coins then Raoul? If I can find a good place near my house then I might as well try...
  12. william

    Word association

    I personally love his music. I especially like all the key changes.
  13. william

    Word association

    The Gadfly Suite Oh silly me, it's meant to be single words. Mossolov then
  14. william

    Somehow i'm tempted...

    So? They're stunning! Edit: I take it you mean the Ebay coins Yep
  15. william

    French coins...value?

    Yes, that EF is around F+ IMHO.
  16. william

    Somehow i'm tempted...

    You like those extra Fs don't you, Sylvester, I've noticed you using them on Coinpeople! Btw, Oli, I think those coins you mentioned above are from Westminster
  17. Yes, but Oxford Road make up for the loss of the station at number 124, isn't that right Geoff?
  18. william

    Japanese coin

    Welcome back on here, Raoul!
  19. Is there a date visible on it? I can't see one in the scan. It's obviously a forgery if there isn't one
  20. Wow, this is a coincidence!!
  21. Lol! People had actually bidded on them!