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Everything posted by william

  1. william

    2p coin

    Yes that pictures excellent, what did you use; scanner, camera....? I will be away from an internet connection over the next few days(on holiday), bye everyone, and Happy Easter!
  2. Well what else can we expect from Oli?
  3. Definately. Do you like the Jubilee head?
  4. So you are going to get the 1954 penny, and the 1952 one!!Lol
  5. Coin News isn't bad. Oli, what is Private Eye?
  6. william

    2p coin

    How strange. Where did you get it?
  7. Well my coins aren't brilliant, but I do have an Unc Victorian farthing!
  8. I'm probably not in with a good chance then...
  9. Certainly, don't you just love the Victorian Young Head? It's got everything really.
  10. Mind you, I suppose loads of people entered when they saw that on offer. How many people do you reckon read Coin News?
  11. Ooh yes, that would be nice! I bet Wyon's turning in his grave right now.
  12. That must be a pain. I wonder how many people entered...
  13. I agree, have you seen the new 2004 50p, with the runners legs on it. It's revolting!
  14. I keep my coins in WHSmith coin albums. I am hoping to change that though, because I have entered a competition in Coin News to win an Abafil coin case with ten coin trays. Hope I win it...
  15. I'm hoping to win an Abafil coin case with ten storage trays; it was a competition in Coin News, so hopefully...
  16. It is in Merseyside, near Liverpool, and about 50 miles west of Manchester
  17. william

    Word association

    Tattoo(spelling? )
  18. william

    'Todays Top Ten Posters'

    I'll keep you posted Chris. It has been doing it for quite some time now.
  19. I live in West Kirby on the Wirral, and my nearest coin shop is in Birkenhead
  20. There are never any fairs near my house, so I buy from this site most of the time.
  21. I personally hate the Edward VIII fantasy pieces.
  22. Yes, they are beautiful, I would long for one of them. Those 1839-1860 pennies are nice, good choice. How many of them do you have?