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predecimal.comPredecimal.com. One of the most popular websites on British pre-decimal coins, with hundreds of coins for sale, advice for beginners and interesting information.


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Everything posted by william

  1. william

    Word association

    Ok then, 1985!
  2. That's horrible! Who wants buy that? These yearly £5 coins just seem to get worse and worse
  3. Well, I collect Victorian coins now. I do still have the world coins which I got when I was younger and have other predecimal stuff(Edward VII to Elizabeth II). I have around 300 world coins, about 260 British predecimal and 33 Victorian. I am starting to get into colonial coins now as well(mine are dated from early 1800s to early 1900s), but I mainly focus on Victorian. What do you collect?
  4. william

    I know another word begining with E

    Is wangled any good Geoff?
  5. Hi Penny Master! I am 11 and have been collecting coins since I was 6. My little collection started off when my Dad gave me some Belgian coins he had. I started telling people I collected coins and they gave me more coins. A few years later I aquired some predecimal coins and collected those. After that I started to specialise, and chose to collect Victorian coins. And that leaves me where I am today!
  6. That's very nice. I have an 1841 version in F, with no colon after the reg!
  7. william

    How can i tell?

    Really? I must try that sometime!
  8. william

    Scripophily, anyone?

    The modern one just looks like some kind of joke compared to the old one!
  9. william


    Has Eliza left for good, or is she ill, or what?
  10. william


    I collect coins for fun!
  11. william

    Forum Rules

    Not Eliza?!
  12. Yeah, maybe someone should change the name of the grade UNC...
  13. I also use WHSmith coin albums, but my coins are fine, not green or anything!!
  14. william

    Your dream coin?

    Yes, that would be nice too, but I'm not that keen on the brass threepences, I much prefer the silver ones!
  15. william

    What is your best buy?

    Ah yes, I've found it now, £5 was what you said for the half crown. I have seen that gold gilt 1799 half penny on the site, but that's much to expensive for me at the moment!
  16. william


    I admit that I have bought from Westminster in the past, but now I hate them. Long live proper coin dealers!!
  17. william

    Ten Shilling banknote

    Thank you very much for your info, Kuhli!
  18. william

    What is your best buy?

    I don't have an incredibly valuable coin in my collection, but I have 503 coins and if I were to value them all, the collection would be worth quite a lot altogether. I do have a gold gilt 1900 GEF farthing which I am proud of though, and an UNC farthing of 1901. Oh yeah, and I do have a nice 1883 halfcrown in EF, worth £100 according to Spink 2003, and £90 according to Coin Yearbook 2004(I am wondering how accurate Coin Yearbook is! ), but someone has used it as a brooch in the past, so I am unsure of it's value. There is a picture of it here:
  19. william

    Scripophily, anyone?

    Why is most modern stuff horrible compared to older things? Like some coin designs that the mint have *improved* from the original one.
  20. william

    2p coin

    I think snails and frogs will be happy as well!
  21. william

    Irish coin...

    Well, I have this book called British Coins Market Values 2002, and in the Irish section it deals with predecimal stuff, but it does say: So that's the 50p dealt with, but I can't help you with the punt, sorry!