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Everything posted by william

  1. Master J.M.D, as you collect notes, could you tell me anything about this?
  2. I found a 1930s Canadian cent in my garden whilst weeding... and, there's a mysterious lump in the grass. I'm going to excavate it in the Summer when Time Team do their big dig again...! I haven't found much in my garden at all! All I found in there was a 1971 1p!
  3. william

    New blood!

    Hello Master J.M.D! Yes, there has been lots of trouble with that edit button recently! Apparently you are only allowed a certain amount of time to edit your post. Did you get the error message saying that you didn't have permission to edit the message?
  4. william

    Favourite reverse designs.

    Yes, those pre 1860 reverses are really nice IMHO.
  5. Labmom?! I wouldn't think Labmom would be that stupid!
  6. william


    I suppose they could make some kind of mark on the edge of the coin.
  7. I was just wondering what 'candide sed provide' meant, and thought i might as well ask. Anyone know?
  8. william

    2p coin

    True. So what price would you expect for something like that, in say VF. I assume it's a fairly good grade, as it's pretty new.
  9. william


  10. william

    2p coin

    What sort of price would you expect for something like that anyway? Could you post a picture of it, coinmagic-I would be interested to see it.
  11. Yes,franked! That's the word I meant. Thanks Chris
  12. Ok, that post didn't really make sense. I tried to edit it, but I 'didn't have permission to edit', don't know why. I said used stamps were probably more interesting because of the stamp on them, but that just sounds silly. I mean the markings(is that the word I am looking for?!) on them
  13. Yeah, I hate stamps! I suppose that's the case, Chris, but I'm not entirely sure either. I guess the ones which have been used are more interesting because of the stamp on them, but that is just a guess.
  14. No she does not! I love that portrait! Ok, ok. The young head is much nicer, but the Old Head is horrible, much worse than the Jubilee head! The bun head is also nice, I love that one as well. So if you want to complain, complain about the Victorian Old Head instead. Does that suit everyone?! Oh yeah, and we haven't even mentioned the beauty of the Gothic florin/crown...
  15. william

    I've been pruning!

    Nice move, Chris!
  16. william


    I envy Geoff's knowledge!^^^
  17. An UNC coin is a coin which has never been into circulation. An EF coin is one which has been into circulation, and shows some(but very little) wear. The UNC one would be worth more, as it has never seen any wear. For a coin to be EF, it has to show some wear!
  18. Yeah, the British public can be really thick sometimes!
  19. I'm honestly not surprised, that's about all 1971 pennies are good for!!
  20. Are sure he was telling the truth, not trying to make the BBC look good, or even annoy the British public?!
  21. ...and bigscooby is a little older than that as well! Oli, how do you know when bob-e was born?