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Everything posted by william

  1. It doesn't have that in Coin Yearbook or Spink, and those our my only reference books...
  2. The public would only start another rumour! Imagine-the *rare* 1983 £1, or the *rare* 1971 1p!
  3. Also the mintage of the 1967 penny is 654,564,000. Scary!!
  4. Actually it's probably gonna be easier to get a full set of Gothic Florins in BU than it is to eliminate the Churchill Crown almost entirely from the numismatic collecting pool. Hi Sylvester, I think it would be easier to get a Gothic Crown in UNC than to make the Churchill a rarity. I just lookd up the mintage of the damn thing-19,640,000!
  5. Yes, strange things have been happening with the edit button recently. Mine keeps going missing and sometimes coming back. What's going on?
  6. What do you mean when you say they are both in the same condition? The grade is the condition!!
  7. william

    Favourite monarchs

    Maybe all the nice ones were out for cleaning...
  8. william

    Favourite monarchs

    I visited Blackburn Museum this morning and on the early Greek coins from Athens they have the Athenian Owl on. I was really looking forward to seeing the collection but they only had about 100 out. I know they have a Charles II Reddite Pattern Crown, some Commonwealth pieces and a Charles I Triple Unite but those weren't on display! I felt cheated Only 100? If they want a littlebuisness they could at least put some of the better ones out surely.
  9. Sounds like fun...ROTFL! I like that Churchill idea. How about this... the '67 PES-The 1967 Penny Extermination Society.
  10. william

    Favourite monarchs

    I love the Athenian Owl too. I'm glad they kept it on the euro coins.
  11. You never know... I have a few forgeries, does anyone else?
  12. Yes, maybe my cow's been taking illegal drugs...you never know!
  13. william

    The most detailed enquiry?

    Has he replied to your emailo yet, Chris, or am I right in saying that he's never returning?
  14. william

    Favourite monarchs

    Yeah, you just can't beat the Victorian young head, itr gets my first vote as well!!
  15. Could be, the smoke looks a little bit green, doesn't it!!
  16. william

    The most detailed enquiry?

    ...and I bet that he's just gonna forget he even sent you that form now!
  17. william

    Half sovereigns

    He is ten years old, and is about as well informed as a flea!
  18. william

    The most detailed enquiry?

    What I want to know, is why people would give you rubbish info like that and expect to get a reply. They don't even tell you what they want; are they trying to sell you a coin, or are they trying to identify a coin, or what?! Punctuation would help a great deal too!
  19. william

    Half sovereigns

    I wasn't convinced either...
  20. william

    Half sovereigns

    My friend at school told me that we are changing to Euro in ten years...true?
  21. william

    Where is everybody?

    Why not?!
  22. william

    Where is everybody?

    Hi all, I was just browsing the members list, and found that there are loads of members, but only a few regulars! I also noticed that many people joined, and left without posting a word!! So i just want to know why they don't come and post with us?? I'ts fun!!!!
  23. Now everybody knows I edited that!! What is it? vvvv