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Everything posted by william

  1. william

    Finally got the Phoenix!

    Lol will you show us the emails??
  2. william

    Finally got the Phoenix!

    Well, they might sell them, but not at the right prices! I have never subscribed to it, and never will, unless i need something good to prop up my table with Whoa it gets worse and worse..... Find out why so many people say, "Coincraft, nice people to do business with"!!!!11111!1!!1!1one one!!!!!!1!1!111one!!!!!! Edit: "" makes !
  3. william

    What Is It worth?

    I do not go to fairs as there are none near me. I order mainly off the internet, off sites where i can trust that the item will be as described *points at Chris*. I sometimes go into the odd coin or antique shop to have a look as well.
  4. I am also not doing that. I wouldn't know where to look or where to begin.
  5. I did watch it, along with 4 billion others...... Tim Henman did well didn't he?! Mind you, our sailors are doing really well....
  6. Yes, I also thought thatit was Britannia in the Chariot, not Boudicea. I mean, why have a Britannia coin, if Britannia's not on it??
  7. william

    Rotograpic.co.uk Nokia logo

    I would get one, but I don't have a mobile (parents )
  8. william

    The database so far as Excel file

    Almost, it's really for coins that you've bought or have seen sold at £X. As you can see JMD, Oli, HPJ etc have entered coins they've bought and a few coins they're seen sold on ebay. It's just a general database to help out with the book prices. Combined with Marles prices and your individual price scouting it all helps out. JMD: What do you mean it's tatty!!!? It looked worse than that before I tidied it up and it doesn't have to be pretty. You're 14 now aren't you....At that age Chris would you rather I entered the prices I find into the database instead of emailing it to you, seeing as everyone else has?
  9. william

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday!! Have a great day JMD!
  10. william

    Your coin purchases...

    Welcome Jimmy.
  11. william

    Collection for sale

    I love Victoria Young Head shield reverse things - crowns, and especially gold! I would seel lots of my coins for that. I personally think the Victorian young head is the best effigy EVAR!!
  12. I am trying to upload a .swf avatar, but when I upload it, it says I have not uploaded an avatar, and it comes up blank. Does anyone know why this is, and how to fix it? Thanks. William.
  13. william

    Coin News

    Really? I think this one was quite hard compared to some of the other ones!
  14. william

    Coin News

  15. william

    Coin News

    I get coin news, and i also have this months issue. Jons right; it is pretty good. they have an insight on a particular coin every issue. There was an interesting one on Victorian Bun Head halfpennies recently. There is a price guide too, and a collectors page, where collectors tell people about things that have happened to them regarding numismatics. For example, there was one recently where a man had gone into a coin shop and put on some magnifying glasses and thought the shillings were half crowns!
  16. Halo thar all new members yar lol
  17. william

    6 coins value

    ok, these wont be woth very much, unless they are in perfect condition, about 50p each maybe. The 50p coins i am not sure about. they are probably commemoratives. Could you describe the design on them or post a picture?
  18. william


    Yes, happy birthday Sylvester! And what coin is it that you are sending off for then?
  19. william

    Ok, lets get price collecting...

    Although i like doing gothic florins, there is alot of them!
  20. william

    Ok, lets get price collecting...

    Chris, do you want me to do double florins as well? I am happy doing them, if you like....
  21. william

    Ok, lets get price collecting...

    Exactly what do you want us to do Chris? Collect some prices from different places and tell you the price and where we got them?
  22. william

    Ok, lets get price collecting...

    Hmm, i like the sound of florins, they started in Victorian times, so i collect them. I also really like flroins, one of my favourite denominations, plus i could manage the ones later than Victoria cos i have collected them in the past as well. Would i be able to do the florins?
  23. wow, good thing lobel didnt buy it then! Btw, chris, i obviously don't listen to 'real music'