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Everything posted by william

  1. william

    what is lustre

    It doesn't mention lustre... Can you run that past me again?!
  2. william


    Thanks for the info.
  3. william

    Ten Shilling banknote

  4. william


    I don't know about that Sylvester, I was down Oxford Road where the RNCM is, and Manchester University, and Sir Charles Groves Hall of Residence.
  5. Why do some English predecimal coins have 'up down', and some 'up up'?
  6. william


    Sorry, that link just hasn't worked at all!
  7. william


    I was just trying to post a URL showing the validating members, but it just came up with the forum home page!!
  8. william


    I think it's about time Oli did too. When will I get upgraded?
  9. william

    Ten Shilling banknote

    So does anybody know what it is and where it was used, value etc?
  10. william

    Most valuable coin you own.....

  11. Hello Tom! I find it a little irritating.
  12. No, it's not just you, Sylvester, it's a red x on mine too!
  13. william


    I don't have anything against them, as they have never done me any harm. I have seen a very dodgy looking guy in Chester though, and walked quickly passed as he said "Any spare change, lad?". I've only ever seen one tramp in Manchester, Oli, and he didn't seem bad at all. What part of Manchester were you in? I was down Oxford Road(RNCM!!).
  14. william

    what is lustre

    That makes it much clearer to me now. Thank you!
  15. william

    Most valuable coin you own.....

    Thank you, Chris!
  16. I get a 1971 penny in my change practically every day!!
  17. william

    Most valuable coin you own.....

    Hi everyone, I have just received a letter saying that I have got into Calday Grange Grammar School, and i will be starting in September! To Oli, It was founded in 1636!
  18. Tom, What is your avator then?
  19. william

    Most valuable coin you own.....

    She went missing ages ago!!
  20. william

    Most valuable coin you own.....

    What has happened to Olis avator now?!
  21. Well we mentioned it in another topic, so here it is...as a poll! How large is your collection? I have tried to include all the figures i could think of above, but if yours isn't there tell us about it here. Thanks.
  22. william

    Forum Downtime

    Why would people forget that they registered?